It's the next day.I'm at home,last night I came back.I'm about to take my bins out when I think of something.Yesterday Azail told me to take my I'm gonna ask her if she wanna come tonight.I put my bins, and go to her door and knock.
She opens and when she see me she smiles.
-Hi, i said
-I was just gonna ask you if you gonna come tonight..if..if Verose told you..I mean about the invitation..from my friend.
-Yeah, she told me but I don't know if I can come.
-I have some homework to do.
-You're in university right?
-We have homework at university ? It's weird.
-Yes we do,she laugh
-But it's university, nobody's gonna check if you did it or not.
-Yes but I really want to succeed my year so I have to stay concentrated.
-Oh yeah..of course...but you should take time for you and have fun too.
-Maybe I should yes.
-Listen, do what you have to do and if you have a bit of time after that come join us okay?
-I..I don't know..
-Please..Think about it.
-I'll think about it.
We look at each other for a bit then she says:
-I have things to do.
-Oh yeah!
-I'm gonna close the door.
-Okay, bye.
She close the door while I go back to my house.
I go sit in my sofa and watch the tv.
I receive a message from Carmen.
«I think you should see a therapist »
What?? What the fuck does she mean?
I call her.
-What the fuck Carmen?!
-Don't get mad.
-Why i won't get mad, give me a good reason. You just send me a message telling me to go see a therapist !!
-Listen, I...I was at mom's house, I went to your room..and I found a letter.
-It's a suicidal letter Anton, you wanted to kill yourself?!!
-You did..
-Yeah, but I don't need to see a therapist I'm good okay!
-No you're not! I didn't find only this..I also found  a lot of essays that you did for your class and it's all about the same thing.
-I wasn't good but now I am okay! So now get out of my room.
-Anton I'm serious.
-And I'm too!
-I want to help you.
-I'm fine!"
I hanging up.
What the fuck, I'm fine! I'm not crazy, I don't need a therapist !
I can't...that's stupid !!! I take my keys and go out.
I drive for a moment until my feet are tired.I stop the car in a random parking and just smoke.
It's the evening.I wake up,it's seems like I fall asleep in my car.I've been in this parking for a while now.I look at the time, it's time to go to Azail's house.I go back to my house to take Verose.
When I'm in the street,I knock at the door.
She open.
-Ready? I asked tired
-Yes, you look drunk..are you okey ?
-Yeah I'm fine.Let's go.
-Wait! Screamed Lily from far.
She run to join us then say:
-I'm coming.
I look at her happily, she smiles.
-Here we go ,I say
We go in the car.
We arrived finally at Azail's house.We go out of the car and go in.
-Hello, we're here! I say
Azail come and looks at Verose.
-Nice, he said
We followed him till the cinema room,Iza is here.
I greet her then I sit next to her.Lily sit next to Verose and Azail.
-Anna don't come , said Azail
-Okay, I say
-Are we waiting anyone else? Asks Iza
-No, answer Azail
He takes the remote and put the movie.
During the movie, I looks at Lily more than the movie and Iza noticed it.
-Who is she? murmured Iza
-My neighbor.
-Why are you looking at her like that?
-No reason.
-She seems so annoying.
-No really, and she's ugly.
-Shut the fuck up.
She looks at me annoyed.
The movie is finished.
-I'm hungry!!! Say Iza
-What do you want to eat? Ask Azail
-I want pizza.
-I wasn't talking to you Iza, so Verose what do you want to eat?
-I don't know, what do you want Lily.
-I don't know either.
-Let me choose then, said Iza
-No let's the guests choose, say Azail
-Let's go for pizza, say Verose.
We ordered some pizza and when they arrived we started to eat.Azail and Verose are on the sofa. Iza is sit next to me on a chair in front of the bay window which overlooks the swimming pool.
Lily is sit in the swing bench to n front of the swimming pool.
-She's weird..I don't trust her, say Iza
-Whi do you trust ?!
I stand up and go outside sit next to Lily.
-Why are you eating alone?
She shrugs her shoulders.
-Did you enjoy the movie?
-It was scary!
-It's an horror movie, I say laughing
-I hate horror movie , she laughs back
We stay in the silence a little bit then she say:
-She don't like me.
-Your friend.
-She doesn't like much people.
-Well, I don't like her too to be honest.
I laugh.
I look at her,she's beautiful..."take your chance" Azail told me..I'm gonna do that.
-Are you free tomorrow night..?
She looks at me surprised.
-I think so..she say smiling
-That's nice because I wanted to invite you to come with me somewhere...
-You're agree?
She smiles.
-I should go home right now, she say.
-It's only 9 pm, come on.
-I'm 19 I have to be home soon, I have school tomorrow, she laughs
-I'm so happy I'm 20 now, almost 21 to be honest.
She laughs.
-Can you bring me home?
-Yes, let's go, I say.
She said goodbye to everyone then we go to the car with Verose and go back home.

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