Lia Missing

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Charlie and Bella were both worried. Charlie had sent out search parties for Lia, she hadn't come home since she walked out of her school. Bella told Charlie that Lia was having memory flashes which caused her to sleepwalk, and when Charlie called Renee, his ex confirmed it. Apparently it had happened before when Lia visited Renee once, but that was years ago.

He pulled over at his house from driving around. Billy called him saying that one of his boys found Lia passed out in the forest where the rez kids liked to run and play, so Charlie had to get home. When he arrived, he found Jacob's car parked at the front of his house. Charlie got out of his cruiser and ran in, finding the rez guys hanging out at his living room talking with Billy, and he ran up the stairs to find Bella sitting beside Lia's sleeping body while talking to Jacob.

Lia looked roughed up, her hands and feet were smudged with mud, sand, and dry leaves. One of her shoes were missing, and her hair was a mess. Her clothes were torn in some parts and Charlie could see splinters in her hands. Bella was cleaning Lia with a towel while Jake was treating some cuts. "Why has no one called a doctor yet?" Charlie demanded.

"They did," a voice said. Charlie turned to see Dr. Carlisle standing at the door of the bedroom. "Good evening, Chief Swan. I'm here to take a look at your daughter."

Jake looked at Carlisle. "I'm still treating her cuts," he said. "Do you want to take over?"

"Bella may take over," Carlisle said. Jake nodded before leaving. "You said she was sleepwalking?" Carlisle looked at Bella.

"Yeah, it's only ever happened once before," Bella replied, continuing the treatment.

"It's unheard of," Carlisle said. "Has she remembered anything yet?"

Lia suddenly stirred. "Scott...." she trailed off.

Bella frowned. "Scott....." she looked at Charlie. "Dad, maybe she had siblings?"

Charlie nodded. "I'll research it," he said.

When he turned to leave, Lia's eyes opened. "Dad?" She said, looking around.

Charlie paused and turned around. "Lia?" He asked.

Lia looked at him. "Dad," she said. Her eyes were wide. She looked around. "Bella?"

"Do you remember me, Lia?" Carlisle asked.

Lia looked at him in confusion, frowning. "You're....Jasper's dad, Carlisle," she replied.

Carlisle nodded. "What do you remember?" He asked.

Lia frowned, touching her forehead. "I your house this afternoon," she said. "I was doing a project with Edward and Jasper." Lia looked at Carlisle. "I was looking at Jasper, but his face was suddenly replaced." She frowned. "A boy, he looked like me. He called my name, Alia."

"That was two days ago, Lia," Bella stated, frowning worriedly.

"Was his name Scott?" Charlie asked.

Lia looked at her lap, then realized the messy clothes. "Why am I dirty?" She asked. "What happened to my clothes?" Then she winced as a pain shot through her head. She remembered a memory of her running, and falling down a steep hill.

"Lia?" Bella asked worriedly.

"Lia, can you hear me?" Carlisle questioned, shining a light in her eyes. "Her eyes aren't reacting. She might be getting another memory."

"I-I was running," Lia stuttered as she clenched her eyes close. "I fell down a hill." She went limp with her eyes open, and Carlisle caught her.

"I think it's another memory," Bella stated.

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