The Cullens

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Lia opened her eyes and felt something heavy on her chest. She looked down and saw Bella's head laying on her chest again. She groaned. "Bella, get ready for school, I have something special for you to wear." Lia muttered. Bella opened her eyes with a frown, then groaned in annoyance as she got up once again. "It's quite strange how you go to bed in your bed, but when I wake up, you're sleeping on my chest."

"You feel like mum, you make me feel like when mum put me to sleep when I was a baby." Bella said. "You're warm and your heartbeat is very calming." Lia chuckled.

"Don't worry, if it makes you sleep, then I'll let you." Lia said. "By the way, you go first. I have to talk to some old friends in La Push." Lia pushed Bella into the bathroom as she did the same thing she did yesterday. Once they were dressed, Lia went to her bike.

Bella came out of the house and went to the Chevy truck Charlie got for her

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Bella came out of the house and went to the Chevy truck Charlie got for her.

Bella came out of the house and went to the Chevy truck Charlie got for her

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This was her outfit. She also had the makeup Lia did on her yesterday. "After you, Bells." Lia said. Bella began driving and Lia followed.


Lia arrived at school with Bella. "Hey, Bella, I'll meet you there." Lia said. "I just have to talk to a classmate of mine." Bella nodded.

"I'll see you later in Science." Bella said, then turned and left, immediately being flanked by the School Gossip Queen, Jessica, and the nice girl, Angela. Lia turned and looked around for Edward. She spotted him and ran towards him.

"Edward!" Lia exclaimed. "Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah?" Edward asked, turning around from his talk with Jasper. "What is it?"

"Well, do you know what you're gonna do for your performance next week, yet?" Lia asked.

"Uh, no, but I was planning one with Jasper." Edward said.

"Wait, he's in our class?" Lia asked.

"Oh, yeah, he was busy during music period yesterday helping the principal with something." Edward said.

"Oh, well, could we group up so I can play my written music?" Lia asked.

"Could Jasper come?" Edward asked.

Jasper's Hybrid Girl(A Twilight/TVD/Teen Wolf Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now