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ok so what the hell

i swear my brain is fried like fr
can u see the freaking title
ive been so WEIRD LATELY

anyway enjoy the dumpydoo content
its a modern oneshot ´・ᴗ・'
Anadil was ticked off.
Like royally ticked off.

Partly because she hadn't been out of the house for a month now ever since quarantine started.

Partly because the algebra homework she was doing right now sucked.

And partly because she (although she refused to admit it) hadn't seen her girlfriend in forever. And she missed her.

Ew, she thought. Feelings suck.

She picked up her math textbook and hurled it across the room (nothing better than to turn Fun with Algebra into a Frisbee when you're frustrated), the pages smashing against her closet door and making a photograph fall off.
Anadil bent and picked it up, caressing the picture of her and Hester laughing. She still remembered the conversation they had.

Hester looked through Anadil's closet, frowning.
"Don't you wear anything but black and grey?" she'd asked. Anadil chuckled at her girlfriend's expression, leafing through some notecards.

Hester turned to her, arms crossed. "You're going to a job interview, Ani! You can't possibly wear this!" She held out a baggy black shirt, three sizes too big.

Anadil frowned. "What's wrong with that?"

"Oh for goodness sake, Ani! You'll look like a dumpydoo-" Hester choked on her words. Anadil stared at her girlfriend, her face turning pink in embarassment.
Then she laughed. A hearty, noisy laugh.

"I-it's not that funny, Anadil!" Hester said, but she was laughing too.

Anadil was laughing so hard she was tearing up.
"Where the HELL did you find that word, Hester? Oh my God-DUMPYDOO!" She giggled more.
Hester was chuckling too. "I don't know-it slipped out. Stop laughing, you dumb bitch!"

They laughed even harder.

Snapping back to reality, Anadil stuck the photo back on her closet door, smiling. She grabbed her wallet and phone, putting on a mask and heading out of her room.

"Been way too long," she thought.
It was time to pay her dumpydoo a visit.

this is the content u get from a dumpydoo
it be way too short but my brain short circuited

ill probably continue this at some point lol

peace ´・ᴗ・'

just some average hestadil Where stories live. Discover now