a oneshot in a headcanon book-interesting

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ive been a bitch for not updating this

and i feel guilty

so here u go-a rewrite of otk last chapter

otk pg 598

Hester popped a bubble, the bird inside shrieking and fleeing past the black-clad witch.
"Couldn't help it," Hester said as her demon whittled an ice sculpture of Agatha in a fierce warrior pose.
"How's this?" Anadil asked, in matching black across the aisle, her rats chiseling an ice statue of a short boy with clownish curls and a wide, grotesque smile.
"Looks like an overeager dwarf," said Hester.
"But this is what Tedros looks like," Anadil maintained.
A blast of glow hit the sculpture, coating it smooth and milky white, obscuring its worst details.
"Chocolate solves everything," Dot trumped, arriving in a voluminous, bright pink gown with an explosion of bows. She zapped Hester's statue with a white chocolate sheen too. "And it goes better with the theme. Unlike your outfits. Who wears black to a wedding?"
"Witches with dignity," said Hester, hearing her own voice crack a little. She gulped a bit.
Anadil glanced at her, then continued, "Witches who don't want to look like they fell out of a flamingo."

What they didn't know was Hester had something special in store...

page 601

"No, no, no. Covens don't work on behalf of kings," Hester retorted. "We are independent witches, with no master or patron or affiliations, working in the shadows on our own missions. You will reap the benefits of our work, but you won't hear about it and we intend to keep it that way." She took a deep breath. "And you're coming with me first." Hester grabbed Anadil's pale wrist and walked away, the startled albino in tow.
The others watched them walk away. "Well," Dot said.
Everyone was silent for a moment.
Until Kiko crammed in, gushing, "Reena's boyfriend is coming from Shazabah!"
The others blinked at her, the Evergirl turning tomato red.

inserts cricket noises

Hester led Anadil to Evil School, scurrying along Halfway Bridge.
"Where in hell are we going, Hester?" Anadil panted.
Hester turned around briefly. "You'll see."

They reached Malice Tower in a few moments, racing along the corridor amd passing Room 61.
Room 62.
They stopped in front of Malice Room 66, Hester and Anadil heaving from the long trek. Anadil frowned questioningly.
Hester looked deep into her covenmate's beautiful ruby eyes. "You'll see."

Anadil gasped as Hester threw open the door to Room 66.
The dorm was strung with small, detailed portraits of their best moments. From their first year till now.

Meeting each other for the first time.
Threatening to throw Sophie off Malice Tower.
Brewing tricks and potions for the Witch of Woods Beyond.
The first time Hester called her Ani, in the sewers.
At their very first No Ball, both of them eyeing the other.
Hiding out in the sapphire bathrooms of the School for Girls.
Running in the Blue Forest, hand in hand, in their second year Trial By Tale.
Fighting together in the war against Rafal.
And many more beautiful, touching moments.

(a/n: i didnt add more moments cus im a lazy potato)

Anadil sobbed, her hand going to her mouth. "What is all this, Hester?"
Hester smiled at her, her dark eyes glistening with tears.
"Anadil," she whispered, lost in her friend's crimson eyes. "I love you. I have loved you from the day you walked into the dorm room and I laid eyes on you. This very room. And that is why, I wanted to have everything laid bare in front of you, my deepest feelings, here where everything started. There's nothing else to say. I love you, Anadil."
Anadil was crying so badly she was shaking. Hester gently guided her to her old bed. A bed where, unknown to Anadil, Hester had crawled in and cuddled her once...
"Anadil," she said softly.
The albino witch looked up, her eyes sparkling with silver, her colourless lips curling into a small smile.
Hester clasped her hands gently.
"Ask me to stay with you."
Anadil laughed, the beautiful, raspy sound resonating within the empty room.
"Stay with me," she whispered.
Hester's dark painted lips curled. "Ask me to live with you. Just the two of us."
Anadil chuckled quietly, her voice cracking a little as she said, "Live with me. Just the two of us."
Hester took a deep breath. She drew two small silver objects and placed one in Anadil's lap, then leaned over, her breath tickling Anadil's ear. "Ask me...to marry you," she whispered.
Anadil laughed, tears falling into her lap. Hester smiled too, wiping tears on Anadil's face.
Anadil slid the ring Hester had placed on her lap onto her covenmate's awaiting finger. "Marry me, Hester," she choked out.
Hester chuckled. "Aren't you supposed to wait for my reply before you give me the ring?" She slid the other ring on her roommate's pale finger.
They embraced, rings twinkling in the sunlight flooding in from the window.

"I love you," Anadil murmured.
"I love you too," Hester whispered, entwining her fingers in her long, white hair.



i hope u liked this

a bit cheesy but still

pls point out any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes ty cus i totally rushed this-i spent like half an hour on it

and constructive criticism is always welcome

k i gotta go practice violin now :/


-angel, signing off

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