headcanons 🖤

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okay so ive never written headcanons before so uhm dont sue me if they be bad like and these modern fanfic okay

-hester and anadil rented a small af apartment to live after they ditched dot cus they kinda broke (who was already off with kiko so she didnt rlly care)
-when hesters out anadil likes to steal her hoodies and sniff them lmfao
-when anadils out hester likes to take her polaroid pics and draw moustaches on them
-anadil responds by threatening to burn her mothers old jacket but then they kiss and make up lol
-anadil never brushes her hair so when hester combs her fingers through it her fingers get stuck
-hester then forces anadil to brush her hair every day
-anadil ignores her
-hester literally diEs when anadil strokes her demon's wings
-anadil literally diEs when hester tickles her rats
-anadil works at a library and she shelves books (why? idk)
-hester works at a quaint fish and chip store
-every night anadil brings back thicc crime novels for hester and hester brings back smokin hot fish and chips for anadil
-they end up sharing the books and snacks and curl up with each other on the musty couch (awh)
-they never got married (why would they even need to they already lived like a married couple)
-never said 'i love u' to each other but they didnt rlly need to they kinda spoke through their actions

k so hope yall liked this shit i wrote lmfao
yay 265 words thats tOtAllY aMaZiNg

ill do more later o-o

xo, angel

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