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(Image by Evan Mainoose

Hmm how should I start this story? I know with a bang!)

I wonder if he's ever thought about me as more than a friend? Has he ever liked me at one point? Did he ever look at me and thought she looks really pretty?

But why would someone like him.. A handsome guy on the wrestling team who is pretty popular with the girls like someone like me? I mean it's not like I'm ugly. I'm just average. I have a few pimples on my cheeks but, I cover it with makeup. I make myself look as presentable as possible. It's not like I look pretty, my hair isn't beautiful, nor do I have a pretty face. Everything about me I guess it just right. Hmm? Like goldilocks. Nothing is special about me. I guess I have a few what do you call them.? Guilty pleasures. I like anime although I'm a girl. I watch K-dramas sometimes. It's a bit embarrassing I guess. But I find them interesting. I'm into a lot of horror.
I guess I just wished there was something unique about me. Something that stood out. But I'm just normal. I guess I'm pretty curvy. I'm not slim or thick just in the middle. My grades are pretty average. I get B's most of the time. I just want someone to love me for me! I want to be the main character but I'm just a side.

"Hey, What are you thinking about Sarah? Hmmm, possibly a crush?"

I laughed looking at him. He's so beautiful my crush. His name is Jake. He has these piecing blue eyes and a tan complexion. Well I wish he would talk to me. I just imagined that. Jake looked at me from afar.

"What are you looking at ugly?! Hey guys look at this girl she's kinda creepy she's looking at me."

"She's so average."

"So normal."

"She has a sexy body though I'd fuck her."

"I would too hahah. Hey can you smile a little. Maybe if you put a paper bag over yourself then she will be easier too fuck."

"Go fuck yourself!" Someone said from the distance. A male with sleek yet sharp eyes looked at Jake my once friend.

Me and Jake used to be really close. Until his girlfriend broke us apart. But it's not like we were childhood friends or anything just really close at one point.

"Sorry but are you talking to me?"

"Are you deaf I said go fuck yourself, mess with someone else when you have the chance. You probably do this everyday. Sad and alone Jake. Poor Jake comes him to a broken family every day. His mom is a drunk and his dad cheats and leaves for months."

Who was this guy? How'd he know that about Jake?

"What, what are you talking about dude."

"Choking on your own words now? How funny."

"Shut up dude I'll fucking kill you right here right now. Just try me. Fuck you!"

"I believe I told you to fuck yourself." The man pulled out a gun pointing it at Jake.
"Chill dude. Y..y. You probably have no bullets."

"Oh yeah I don't."

"Haha see guys he's just trying to act tough!"

The handsome man put bullets in the gun and snapped it back.

"Okay how about now?"

"It's obviously a fake-" Jake's words were cut off by a gun shot. All of his friends screamed.

"One mississippi."


"Two mississippi, oh wait it seems I've lost my patience."

He shot Jake twice in his arm, three times in his leg, and one in his head.

"I think he's dead now scurry away."

"We'll, we'll call the police!" Jakes friend said.

"Shiver me timbers the police. What can the police do against a mafia."

"A... A mafia!? Guys get out of here!!"

"Not so fast."

The man reloaded his gun fast and shot the remaining boys. I looked up at him in horror. Who was this man.

"Oh no it seems like everyone is dead. All the witnesses are dead except.... You."
He smiled at me and pointed the gun to my face.

The Cold & Cocky                                                Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora