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I was 5 at the time when momma died. She died from cancer and I was traumatized. She always said how she was never feeling good. She would drink tons of water. Being that she had bad kidneys. She coughed, unusual bleeding, and sores that wouldn't heal. But she said she didn't need help she was strong. We then found out she had lung cancer. All the years she denied it she could've gotten better. If I would've never listened to her. If I would've gotten a doctor. But I was only a kid.

Soon after (1 year later) dad got married to his rude girlfriend. She never really liked me. She thought I was a burden. Many times she begged my dad to get rid of me. Because of living expenses. I never asked for much, I just needed a home, food, water, and love. My step mom never made me do chores like cinderella, she was just plain mean. My dad didn't want to get rid of me though. But don't get it twisted, he never liked me. Eventually my step mom's daughter who was the same age as me came to our house. She bullied me all the time. When dad left for work she would steal my toys and food. She even ripped my barbie dolls head off. My step mom did nothing but laugh. I would tell dad about their cruel ways asking for him to leave. But he never did he just said I was spoiled for asking such things. Other children have it worst.

I was 8 at the time when my dad sent me off to summer camp. So he could be with his real "family". Luckily my step sister didn't come just me. The first day I got a nose bleed from volleyball, fell out of a canoe, and got stung by a bee. I was crying gallons of tears. I held my face and looked at the sky.

"Mom, are you watching me?"

"No, she's not," a pale boy walked up towards me. He had black hair and big black eyes that complimented his soft facial features.

"How do you know she's not watching me?" I stated angrily at the cute boy.

"Because she isn't here," he said coldly.

I scratched my head.

"What about your mom?"

"She isn't here.."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"She's alive but I wouldn't say well." He hopped up on the tree trunk I sat on. "She's in a coma."

"What's a coma?" I asked never hearing that word before."

"Your as dumb as you look," he chuckled to himself. "A coma is when your in a state of unconsciousness that can last for just a few days or a few years."

"Oh... So a deep sleep? Wow thats really cool that means your mom is sleeping beauty!!"

"Um sure I guess you can say that. But I can't talk to her."

"Oh that's sad. But don't worry for now I'll be your mom." I smiled happily and he looked at me with disbelief.

"Aren't you a little too young to be my mom?'

"Aren't you a little to young to know those big words?" He smiled at me.


"What's that mean? I've never heard that english word."

"Yeah stupid, it's French."

"Like french fries?"

"No, french fries origins are actually traced back to Belgium."

"I've been living in a fake world."

"Anyway I've gotta go."

"Hello! Sarah Johnson please come to main entry, Sarah Johnson please come to the main entry." Said a lady on the speaker.

"I guess I have to go too," I smiled and skipped away.

"Bye Sarah Johnson!"

(☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞ Skip to the main entry

The Cold & Cocky                                                Season 1Where stories live. Discover now