Hi, hi?....

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He smiled at me and pointed the gun to my face.

"Why do you look so scared. Peek-a.."


The gun went off but it didn't hit me. He walked closer to me as I scurried away. Why was this happening to me I'm a normal girl with a normal life. I don't even act like "I'm different from the other girls." Cause I'm not I should be having my normal life and go back home to watch the new episode of Jujutsu Kaisen! He stepped on my foot making me squeak in pain. He put the gun next to my head and asked.

"What's your name pretty girl?"

"P.P... Pretty me..?"

"No the trash can over there, of course you!"

"Sarah Johnson," I said with a shaking voice.

"That's a pretty average name. You wanna have some fun Sarah?"

"No, my parents said I can't go out with random boys, especially not deliquents."

"Deliquent? That kinda pissed me off. What school do you go to?"

"I'm not sure!"

"Your not sure? Idiot!" I jumped at his voice and put my head down. "I'm sorry did I scare you don't put your head down." I lifted my head back up.

"Are you gonna kill me?"

"A young girl like you never."

"Then why.... Did you kill Jake?!"

"Jake, first off he murdered my friend Dixie, he stole money from the bank, shot five kids at a hospital, and assualted my sister."

"But murder isn't the answer, two wrongs don't make a right."

"Of course I know that it's six wrongs including his friends."

"That's not what I mean." I looked away but was snapped out of my thoughts by a snap from the man.

"Hi, hi! Are you there?" He said with an evil laugh. He was laughing at my scared face.

Hi, hi.....?

The Cold & Cocky                                                Season 1Where stories live. Discover now