Cold as Ice

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The two boys tension heated up as they grew without Sarah, they eventually ended up leaving too, changing both of them for the worst.

The smart boy went home.

"Dad I'm home!" He said taking off his dirty sneakers and sweaty jacket. "Dad?" As he walked deeper into the house he could hear noises. Groans and moans. He already knew what was happening. His dad was cheating on his mom again. With a different woman again. He walked passed his dad's room giving him a cold stare. His dad didn't really mind though and continued. The boy went into his room pulling out his algebra book to study. (A/N: Yes I know a 9 year old reading an algebra book. While it's not really normal to learn algebra in 4th grade, I did! Cause I was smart, so yes you can do algebra)

He eventually got bored and went to his father's library. The library was the farthest from his dad's room and somewhat soundproof. He looked through his father's works and books. Biology, Geometry, Calculus, biochemistry? He had read mostly everything in the library. So he decided to pull out his favorite book, the Merriam- Webster dictionary. He remembered his mom teaching him words everyday from this book. She wished for him to be smart and kind in a world of cruel people. She wanted him to have a kind heart unlike his dad. He wasn't snobby like most of the rich people he knew. As he looked through the library something caught his eye. It wasn't a book it was a dvd? It looked new? Did mom watch this?

He read the dvd, it said Cheese in the Trap.
What a weird title he thought.

After binge watching all 16 episodes he was crying.

"ALL OF THAT JUST TO END UP WITH HIM!? ERRRRRH," he screamed. "Couldn't there be a different ending!!! I need more of this, ok, ok let's see. Hmm Wolf girl and Black Prince."

After binge watching once again he sat down thinking to himself. Why were the guys so cold? He decided to watch another show called Blue Spring Ride.

Do girls like cold guys that are jerks? Must be annoying. I'd never turn out like that.

Every day after he was done with home school he would watch a new "cartoon" as he called it. He watched tons of romances with cold leads. Then he began watching action "cartoons" such as Hunter x hunter, Naruto, and One punch man. He was now 13. He actually found joy in his life since Sarah had left. He would remember that name forever, Sarah Johnson.

He was so happy, but it soon fell apart.

"I'm sorry to say this to you son, but our sunshine is gone."

They refered to mom as sunshine.

You know when someone is gone. But you just don't feel it. They are dead. Not breathing. Not alive anymore. But you just can't realize. It's hard to explain. But you try to cope with it by saying they aren't dead. Thinking the next day they'll just walk inside with arms wide open and a smile. I couldn't acknowledge her death. She can't be gone can she. But one-day I would be in a deep trance and finally think, she's really gone isn't she?

"She's still here. Isn't she?! Right mom, you're not dead, you're still in your coma. It's not real!? Right," I said shaking. I felt like I was having a seizure, brain tumor, my lungs weren't working. I read about this, maybe a panic attack?!

"Get a hold on yourself son our sunshine wouldn't-"

"No dad! Not our sunshine, my sunshine. You haven't cared about that woman since she's gotten a coma. Every single day and night I come home to you having sex with some random woman!! You don't care about mom and you never did."

"Watch your mouth boy-"

"No I won't you've been like this for so long. You never apologized. What would mom say if she saw you sleeping with woman in your bed. I love her more than you ever will. I don't know why she would ever date scum like you. I'm done with you!"

"Stop right there where do your think you're going?"

"I'm leaving where else?"

His father smacked him hard.

"Are you an idiot!?" His father said about to smack him but stopped. Seeing the tears in his sons eyes.

"I'm moving out I'll learn how to live better and independently." He gave his dad the cold shoulder. He had lost his best friend, his mother died, and he was living independently. What could possibly be worst?!

"Please wait!"

"No, dad. I never liked you anyway. I knew you were a cheater, but I didn't know you were heartless. I hate you....."

"I'm sorry Eric..." His dad said under his breath.

Eric got outside the hospital crying a river of tears. Why him? What else did he have to lose? The last thing he lost that was his feelings and emotions. He became exactly what he saw in those shows. A cold heartless bastard. But would a girl soften his feelings?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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