Chapter 4

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     Cough! Cough! Cough! After another coughing fit, Ren removes his handkerchief from his mouth to see blots of red. His unhappy face quickly changes into a happy one and hides his dirtied hankie as the sliding doors open. Rin enters with a tray of lunch and a cup full of medicine.

     She places it in front of her husband. Ren scoldingly stares at her and says, "My lovely wife, I told you I will come out to eat with you. I don't want you working hard." Rin shoots back with, "And I told you that I want you to rest fully. This is nothing."

     Not wanting to stress her out, Ren complies, and he begins eating. After two bites he notices she isn't eating, but only staring at him. "Why aren't you eating wife?" She blinks a couple times before gathering her thoughts. "I'm not hungry." Truth be told she hasn't felt hunger since last night after seeing him lie down so pale and unmoving.

     Staring at him as he eats and making sure he is still breathing is what comforts her the most right now. Seeing her husband alive and well is all she wishes for. Unsatisfied with her answer, Ren picks up a piece of meat and tops it on his rice. Scooping it up with his chopsticks, he places it in front of her lips. "Eat. Please." He begs her.

     Shaking her head, she tells him, "No. You eat my dear husband. You need all the strength you can get right now. I made these specially for you." She tries to encourage him to eat, but instead he puts his chopsticks down. "No, if you won't eat then I won't eat too. What kind of husband is able to eat comfortably while knowing his wife hasn't eaten either? Especially when his wife is carrying his child inside of her. We are husband and wife. If my wife won't eat, then I too shall not eat."

     A little shocked at his sudden stubborn outburst. She tries to convince to stop such foolishness, but is eventually defeated by his devout persistency. "Fine," she picks up the pair of chopsticks, "Let's both eat then." She finishes her sentence by picking up the now cold previous meat and rice and stuffs it in her mouth. Picking up a new warm piece of meat, she presents it to her husband and urges him to eat. Happy that Rin is eating and feeding him, he contently gulps down his food.

     After the meal, making sure that Ren drank all the medicine, Rin cleans up and directs her husband to behave and stay in bed.


     After finishing up some farm work, Rin heads to their room with another tray in the evening. The couple ate dinner together and conversed. With the window open, the summer breeze warmly enveloped both of them. Looking out the window, the sun has already set. She clears away the dishes and brings the tray out.

     The pregnant woman walks in again Helping her husband outside so she can bathe him. In the wash house, in a wooden tub, Rin sits in between Ren's legs as he hugs the small bulge of her stomach from behind. Gently patting her stomach with his head resting on her shoulders, he asks his wife, "Do you think it's going to be a girl or boy? I had a dream when we first found out. We were back at the sakura tree, but this time we had a little girl running around. I chased her as her small, short legs ran as fast as they could. Her screams of joy rang all around; the three of us laughing together. I couldn't have been happier. Even though it was just a dream, it felt so real."

     "Hmm~" Rin hums heartily, "Well I had a similar dream too. We were sitting under the sakura tree too. And I did see you run around, and the laughter of a child was heard as well. But the difference is I saw a boy. He was cheering for you and vigorously jumping up and down. Hence, I believe we will be having a boy." Rin tenderly rubs her stomach as she tells Ren of her dream.

     Ren slightly tilts his head that is still resting on her shoulders towards her face. "Hmm~, you think so? Then, I guess we'll have to wait and see won't we." Giggling Rin answers "Yes, we'll have to wait and see then."

     After the long needed relaxing bath, Rin helps Ren settle down on their futon. The sun is no longer visible in the sky. The skies haven't darkened yet, but it was dark enough for a candle to be lit in the room. Ren accepts the cup of medicine from his wife and drinks it all before handing it back to her.

     Setting the cup aside, she fluffs out his pillow and the blanket covering Ren. "My dear husband, you sleep first. I still have some work to do, I will be back after I finish." Her statement turns his smile upside down. Surely whatever his wife has in mind, he knows it's because of him. Therefore, that only deepens his worry and concern. "What is it that you need to do my lovely wife?"

     "Don't worry about anything, it'll be quick." Rin picks up the burning candle and proceeds to walk out. She opens the sliding door, but before going out she turns back around to her husband's anxious gaze. "Ren, promise me that no matter what happens in the room next door, whatever sounds you may hear, please don't come in. Don't open the door. Promise me."

     Shocked, Ren takes a couple seconds before answering her. "What is it that you don't want me to see?" Rin's hazel eyes shows fear before hiding it away. However, it didn't go unnoticed by her attentive husband. "Just trust me. Please. I can't tell you now, but I will one day."

     Seeing so many emotions passing through her eyes and hearing her pleading voice, is enough to kill off doubts-however small of a doubt he may have. "Okay. I trust you my wife." "Thank you," her sweet, but trembling voice filled his ears.

     She closed the sliding door softly, and walked down the hall to the other room. As she entered, the room is a little stuffy due to the hot summer heat. Her candle in front of her is the only light source. Her shadow taking over the small room.

     This second room is smaller than their room and has only one window. Walking towards the said window, Rin opens it up. 'The stars are bright tonight' Rin thought to herself. Just a few feet away from the window is a large item covered under a white sheet.

     Rin walks over and uncovers it. Under the white sheets is a huge wooden backstrap weaving loom. She sits on the stool in front of the loom. Brushing her hands on the sides, a tear drops, landing on the loom.

     Quietly and carefully, the young woman stands up. Taking a few steps away, Rin closes her eyes as if she is praying. Silence ensues, and suddenly, a bright white light engulfs her entire body. After a few seconds passes, the light slowly fades away. Now in place of where Rin had stood, an elegant white crane stands. She fluffs her long soft feathers a few times before gradually making her way towards the loom again.

     With her black beak, she bends down towards her own body. Tak! Tak! Tak! The snow-white crane plucks out her own feathers one by one. After deeming she has enough feathers, the crane closes her eyes again. A bright white light envelope her again. This time Rin has return in the place of the crane earlier.

     Rin looks at her feathers that were plucked out. Her trembling hands pick up one of the long feathers. She picks out each strand individually and placing them in the loom. Finished gathering her strands, the pregnant woman proceeds to weave.


     As his wife disappeared into the night, Ren waited for her return. What she said would be quick turned into the wee hours of the night. He tried to wait up for her, but his fatigued body couldn't. So, against his wishes, his heavy eyelids dropped, and Ren went into slumber. Before losing consciousness, Ren was pretty sure he saw a small flash from outside the window and heard the sound of the wood hitting against each other. 

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