Chapter 8

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     After a long day, Rin was finally able to give birth not to one, but two children. She cried during and after giving birth; there was too many emotions running through her mind and body at the moment. She held her baby boy in her arms.

     His chubby peach cheeks reminded her of her husband. Nuzzling her nose on his cheeks, she tells him, "You look just like your father. You will grow up to be handsome just like him. I love you and your sister so, so much. Know that I will always watch over you and your sister. Grow up strong and protect your sister, my son."

     The sliding door opens, and Mrs. Takami walks in her baby girl. "Let's trade why don't we?" The women trade babies now Rin is cradling the small girl in her arms. "My, my, you are a just as good-looking as your father. And your sister is just as lovely as your mother." Mrs. Takami silently tells the boy in front of her as she slips outside the room.

     Rin stares lovingly at her sweet child. "And you my daughter, also know that I love you so very much. I love you, your brother, and your father for an eternity. You three are my life and happiness; that will never change. Ever. Grow up to be an obedient child and make sure you keep your brother out of trouble okay? I love you two and will always keep you guys safe." Rin kisses her daughter's cheek tenderly.

     Her body is exhausted, but she knows she must do it. She doesn't have a lot of time left. Tears stream down her pale cheeks as she gently lay her baby girl down on the futon. She slowly and painfully crawls to the loom and adjusts herself in position. Taking out her last feather, she sluggishly starts to weave.

     Mrs. Takami comes back in with the baby boy. "Rin! What are you doing my dear?! You need to be resting!" Mrs. Takami whisper-yells at the weak woman at the loom. The older woman places the brother next to his sister before making her way over to Rin. "Rin. This can wait. You just gave birth. Not to just one but two children. You are exhausted and you need to properly rest."

     Rin halts her movements and look up to Mrs. Takami. She quietly tells her, "Please, I need to do this. This is the last time. Let me finish, please. This is all I can do right now." Her voice breaks and starts to quiver as she finishes her plea. Mrs. Takami gives in upon seeing Rin's tears and hearing the desperation in her voice.


     That night after Rin finished weaving, she folded both silk quilts and stacked them neatly on top of each other. Her baby boy start to stir, signaling her that he's about to wake up. She drags her body as fast as she could before he starts crying. She picks him up and coos at him. Moving her kimono to the side, she feeds him milk, making sure that he's full.

     After feeding him, she takes one of the silk clothes and spreads it out in front of her. She carefully places her son in the middle to wrap him up. Following after, she proceeds to do the same for her daughter. Feeding her fully and wrapping her in the other silk quilt she had just woven.

     Cautiously, she gets up and slowly, but surely makes her way to Ren and her room. She struggles a bit before finally opening the door. Her eyes are met with a pair of hazel ones. "Rin what are you doing? You should be resting."

     Rin enters without saying anything and places her daughter next to her husband. "My dear husband, make room for me and our son too alright." Rin playfully jests at him before painstakingly heading back out. Unconsciously, Ren's body registered his wife's words faster than his mind and already moved to the side. And as he did, he gently scooted his daughter closer to him.

     Rin moved as slow as a snail, but she still got to her son. She picks him up and the big bowl that had water in it. Rin pours it out the window before heading back towards Ren and their daughter. When she enters their room, Rin slides the door close and lays down her son next to his sister.

     Rin sat with her back towards her husband. Grabbing the empty bowl, she spent a good amount of time squeezing as much milk as she can into the bowl. After finishing, she took out the old white handkerchief, covers it, and sets it to side. Rin lied down with difficulty-her breathes are heavy and her face as pale as ice, just like Ren's.

     "I didn't want our first night with our children to be separated. I wanted us to spend it together. Just like this, with you on the left, our children in the middle, and me on the right. Because this is us-this is our family." Rin whispers her reply to her husband's question earlier. Rin made sure to position her children so that their small bodies were in line with her and her husband's heads.

     "Thank you my lovely wife. I will always remember tonight. I became greedy earlier when I saw them-when I held their tiny bodies in my shaking arms. But you have quelled this ugly feeling I've harbored for the last couple hours. Thank you my wife." Ren whispers as he feebly grabbed her hand and intertwined them with his.

     "My dear husband, I got greedy too, but I know that it isn't right. So this was the only way I saw that could potentially quell my ugly feelings too. But maybe this was a bad idea, because now I don't want to let go even more. If time can stop, I want it to stop right now." Her voice breaks into a soft cry.

     "But I know that is selfish of me. I just really don't want to let this moment pass." Her mute sobs and sniffles send streaks of grief and despair into Ren's heart. He tightens his grasp on her hand and tells her, "If you're selfish, then I am too. Because I want time to stop at this very moment just as much as you. I want to live in this moment forever with you and with our children as well. But then it wouldn't be fair to them-to suspend their lives with us is wrong. So we'll have to let go. Let's do our best to watch over them and see for ourselves what greatness the both of them will achieve."

     "Okay. Okay my dear husband." Rin softly replies. They both silently shed tears of happiness and sadness as they slept that night. 

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