Chapter 7

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     Winter once again came to visit the abandoned village. As the last single maple leaf slowly fell down from the high branch, Rin's hopes are crushed along with it. Her husband's condition only worsened over time. He laid deathly pale on their futon; his shallow breaths barely moving his chest up and down.

     A voiceless cry. That is all she can muster. Even though her husband is laying almost motionless in front of her, Rin is still afraid he will hear her cries. And hearing her cries will make him sad. She didn't want him to be sad and only wished for his happiness. Tears endlessly running down her face.

     After a long night of weaving, Rin came to check up on him. She sat by his side and monitored him for a long while. She tenderly caresses his cheek and unable to stop her mind, she reminisces and recollect of their happier times together.

     Her thumb gently smoothing over his cheekbone reminded her of that spring afternoon where he told her he'd still love her even if one day she can no longer sing beautifully and had caressed her cheek as well. The movement of her thumb sent slight shocks of pain through her bruised and battered hands.

     And as if he had just said it a second ago, she could still hear his sweet voice when he told her that he'd still love her even if one day her beautiful fingers are no more. Quietly removing her hand away, she takes out her very last feather. Rin stares at her white feather with more tears rolling down her face.

     Too scared to tell her husband the truth, and too frightened of hearing his answer, Rin can only feebly and softly ask while he's asleep, "If one day, even if I am no longer human, even then would you still be able to love me?"

     Even knowing full well that he is asleep, Rin is still afraid that he might have heard somehow. Rin stands up and walks to the doors. Before opening it, she glances at the feather in her hand once more. Making up her mind fully, she reaches out to the door indentation. About to open the sliding door, the pregnant Rin halts in disbelief as a cold yet loving hand swiftly and gently grabs hold of her stretched out one.

     His other arm wrap around her bulging stomach, and she hears his laughing voice answer her from behind, "But of course, I will embrace you, who has lost your wings. The crane who flew away so beautifully on that day. Even now and forever, I'll remember it. And even now, without fail, I will still love you."

     Rin's crying voice finally burst out. Ren silently embraces her while she let out her emotions she's been holding back in front of him. Her wails of sadness and happiness filled their small house that night.

     The couple laid in bed together that night, lying in silence, savoring the sweet moment with each other. They hugged each other as if their lives depended on it.


     The Takamis woke up early that morning to make breakfast for the young couple next door. A nutritious chicken porridge is what the retired doctor and his wife decided on. As they walked towards the small house to the left of theirs, Mrs. Takami felt an uneasy stir in her heart. There is no smoke coming from their kitchen and no smell of burning wood-signaling that Rin hadn't woken up that morning.

     Even though she is heavily pregnant at this point, she would always make sure to prepare breakfast for Ren and give him his medicine diligently. 'This is definitely weird,' thought the older woman. Looking at her husband's face, he seems to have caught onto this ominous feeling as well.

     They hurried to the front door and gives a quick shout "Rin! Ren!" Hearing no answer, they quickly pry the door open and practically run for the bedroom. As they close in on their destination, moans and grunts of pain can be heard.

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