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As we pull into the parking lot of the school, I see Peter and Brandon standing outside like everyone else talking. Caroline seeing them as well, honks her horn making lots of students look at us. I quickly duck down as Caroline laughs and waves to the freshman boys staring at her.

"God, I'm going to love this year!" She states while I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to as well. With dance and everything, this year's mine." Julia repeats for the fifth time since she got in the car.

When we were friends, Julia tried to convince me to join the dance team, but I said no. I wanted to laugh in her face. Me dancing? No thanks. I never knew what I wanted to go out and do. Mom would ask every year and I didn't know what to tell her. I couldn't think of a sport that would interest me. What interested me most was music and books.

Almost everyday after school I would walk about five blocks to the book shop. There they had thousands of book as well as vinyls, cd's, and cassettes. Going in and seeing Mr. Brady everyday made my days so much better. He has told me all kinds of crazy stories about his youth and the things he would do as a teenager. It took a lot of convincing since he has work and practice, but I finally got Pete to come with me to the shop. Just as much as me, he loves the place.  We go there to chat with Mr. Brady for awhile then we head home or we walk around for a couple hours just talking.

Caught in my thoughts, I look up to see Caroline staring at me and smiling like a psychopath.

"She's gone now, you know." She giggled. "But you were too busy trying to imagine her leaving to realize she was I guess."

"Ha, you're hilarious, Caroline." I say with a straight face. She knows I think she's funny, but in the moment I wasn't going to let her know that. 

As I was grabbing my things to get out, hands slammed against me and Caroline's door windows. We jumped in shock as we hear Peter and Brandon laughing like hyenas. I quickly open my door and see Pete now on the ground from laughing so hard.

"What the hell is it with this friend group and scaring the shit out of me?" Caroline yells while slapping Brandon on the chest.

"I'm sorry we just had to do it." Brandon admitted.

As Caroline climbs back into the car to grab her bag, Brandon rounds the car over to me and Peter. I look and see Peter's huge grin looking at me. "I'm sorry if I scared you too much." He dragged out the words, though I could tell her didn't mean it.

"Oh you didn't and it's sad you think it took that little to scare me." I lied.

"Well my apology." He laughed out.

"Well look at the losers!" I hear the familiar voice call out.

"Hey Lia." All of us shout out in unison.

"Are my eyes bad or did I see you guys giving Julia Birch a ride to school?" Lia asked. I knew Caroline wasn't going to tell Lia the truth. The thing is, Caroline doesn't like liars. She doesn't like when people twist stories. However, when it comes to Lia, she's a hypocrite.

Caroline is like the mom of the group. She holds us all together, and keeps us stable. Without Caroline, we probably wouldn't be able to hold together. That is exactly why Brandon started to call her 'the glue' and no pun intended, it stuck with her.

Brandon is 'the party animal'. He's the fun one that will make you laugh every time you're upset. He will ask us every weekend to hang out and come over. On the surface, he is the tough one that you don't want to mess with, however, he's also the baby of the group.

Lia is the 'the dare devil'. She has a very, how you say, no fucks given attitude to her. She will get drunk and party every weekend and want to do it all again the next day. She talks shit, but we all know she secretly loves us way more than she will let us know.

Peter is what you call 'the charmer'. I can not count how many times we have gotten out of trouble because of the charm on him. He knows how to have a good time like everyone, while still keeping an eye out for trouble, unlike everyone else. I've been friends with Peter since fourth grade when I spill chocolate milk on his brand new sneakers and we yelled at each other until a teacher came and sent us to the office. In the office, we both cooled down and started laughing and talking about how his shoes looked like they had poop on them. From then, it was Peter and I until the end.

"Yeah we did, Lia, It was a little favor we did for Caroline's dad." I said with a smile as I see Caroline give me the look I call, 'thank you for saving my ass.'

"Sucks to be you guys." Lia said as she started walking backwards. "Come on, we have to get to class. Ready to see the new boy?" She directed towards me and Caroline.

"New boy?" I asked a little confused. Caroline had the same face on as me. We look over at Brandon who's the captain of the football team. From what we know, Brandon knows everyone at the school.

"Yeah the new kid. His name's Dylan. He's going out for football." He stated.

"He's from Michigan apparently." Peter adds.

"Well why did he move here?" Caroline asked exactly what I was thinking.

"No clue." Brandon walks over and wraps his arms around Caroline and I's shoulders, "All I know is he's one hell of a player."

"Alright, we better get to class now like Lia said." Peter says.

We start to walk into the school talking about the usual stuff. I learned that Lia didn't sleep good last night and Peter was scared about meeting the new biology teacher.

"I hear she slapped a kid in the face at the school she used to teach at." He yelled.

"Pete, I don't think she's allowed to do that." I laughed out while the rest of us just looked at him like he was stupid.

"Well I still believe it." He said while we continued to walk through the hall. When we finally stop in the main hallway we said our quick goodbyes. I have most my classes with Caroline and a few with Brandon and Lia but almost none with Peter. It sucked because we used to have most classes, if not all, together. "Well I'll see ya, okay? Don't get into any kind of trouble, Gweny." He warned.

"You're one to talk about getting into trouble, Pete." I grinned and started to walk in my classrooms direction.

"I'm giving you a ride home, alright?" He yelled from across the hallway. I laughed to myself, a little embarrassed since we were almost 20 yards away from each other. I gave a quick thumbs up back, just so I didn't have to yell anymore. He shot me a smile and turned to get to class.

After I saw him turn around to get to his class, I whipped around to get to my own class. As I turned violently, I ran straight into someone. "Ow!" I mumbled

"Shit I'm sorry, are you alright?" The person asked.

I looked up to see a person I've never seen before. It wasn't very common to see someone you didn't know at a school like ours. Suddenly, I remember what Lia said about the new boy and it all started to click. "You must be Dylan?" I said more like a question because I didn't want to be wrong and sound like a complete idiot.

He chuckled, "Yeah I am. And you are?"

"Guinevere Langston, but everyone just calls me Gwen." I said with a nervous smile.


Hey it's me here!
I hope you enjoyed chapter 2 of 'She Got Lost'

I've been coming up with a lot of ideas regarding this book recently so i'm very excited to keep putting time into this and make it the book i'm gonna love!!!

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