The Hollow Queen P2

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Arthur awaited the Sarrum on the steps of his castle, Agravaine and Leon either side of him, a number of specifically elected knights flagging behind them. Gwaine, unsurprisingly, had not been chosen. He'd decided to waste the rest of the day in the tavern; as Arthur watched a number of well-trained, intimidating men march straight for him, he realised that some of his more... reliable knights were certainly more fitting for this occasion.

"Where's Merlyn?" Leon muttered in his ear, his eyes darting across the courtyard. The servant should've been somewhere in the welcome party, preferably somewhere close to the king, where she could put his mind at ease. That day, however, it was not to be.

Arthur shrugged, knowing that now was not the time to fully discuss the absence of his servant. "I don't know."

Leon looked oddly worried, but Arthur dismissed his own concerns, doing his best to fix a pleasant smile upon his face. The Sarrum's men appeared truly fearsome, a bow strapped to each of their backs, few of them wearing anything more durable than a tunic and trousers, evidently confident in their abilities. The only armour could be found on the bodyguards to the Sarrum, the man himself wearing an odd, leather breastplate with far too many buckles for it to be even remotely convenient. His brown cloak seemed fastened to it, the darkness in his expression troubling. His men seemed to share his stormy countenance, not a flicker of a smile amongst them.

Perhaps it was better Merlyn wasn't here. They would never get on.

"We are most grateful to the Sarrum for accepting our invitation and gracing our palace with his presence." Arthur declared when the soldiers were just far enough away for him to remain comfortable. "We welcome him and his warriors with friendship."

Ideally, not so much friendship that the Sarrum would find time to impale the king, if such things could be avoided.

"The last time I met you, you were ten years old." the Sarrum sniffed. "Uther held a tournament in your honour."

"I fight my own tournaments now." Arthur stated firmly, trying not to sound like some kind of eager child.

The Sarrum smirked. "Well, we shall enjoy putting you to the test."

Arthur didn't really like the sound of that.


Daegal had taken Merlyn off the main path a long while ago, heading up through the denser trees, muttering something about hiding his sister some place safe. Merlyn wasn't sure if she still believed anything about his sister, but she felt that she had no choice but to follow, her curiosity getting the better of her. This wasn't a robbery, she knew that; besides, there would be no reason for Daegal to take her so far into the woods. She was hardly the most likely target, anyway. No, if Daegal was lying, something far more sinister was afoot.

"We're here. She's just on the other side of those trees." Daegal pointed into a clearing up ahead, his voice trembling terribly.

"What's wrong?" she asked, putting a hand on his arm. He was shaking.

"Nothing." he said, staring down at the mud. "I just hope she's still alive."

They reached the clearing; Merlyn couldn't say she was particularly surprised to find it empty. They were at the top of a sheer cliff; although the fall wouldn't be considered deadly, it set her nerves on edge. She dropped her bag in a pile of leaves, unsheathing her sword, turning to narrow her eyes at Daegal.

"There's no one here." she croaked, glancing around for any sign of movement. "Why have you brought me here? What is this?"

"I- I can explain." Daegal stuttered, his eyes fixed on her sword.

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