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Bright warmth filled the room and a gentle breeze ran across the Angel's skin as he lightly stirred. He could feel his hair being lightly petted with a gentle scratching of his scalp.His eyes blinked open and he found his head resting on the Demon's thigh while his arm gripped onto his shirt. His eyes wandered up and met the Demon's. Crowley looked down on him and smiled lightly, still brushing his fingers through the blonde locks.

With a slow movement, the Demon's free hand covered the Angel's.

"How are you feeling?" Crowley murmured. Aziraphale sighed in content.

"I'm pretty sure this is the best I've ever felt in my life," the angel replied, pulling himself closer to the redhead. Crowley let out a breath that sounded like relief.

Eventually, after sitting contently for probably half an hour, the angel scooted up so he was face to face with the demon. He frowned a little before he spoke.

"Can you... Tell me what happened dear?" Crowley looked down before replying.

"I took a pretty nasty bite out of your shoulder. The venom started reacting with you pretty quickly. I regained control not long after and was able to use that ancient computer of yours to Google how to make an antivenom. Luckily it worked. After that, I was able to heal the wounds."

"But how did you wake yourself? Gabriel fixed the melody, you shouldn't have been able to until I was... Until you... Until the task was complete." The demon frowned.

"I just could see a world without you in it... And I couldn't accept it." Aziraphale reached over and took Crowley's hand.

"And Gabriel?"

"He's gone Angel."

"I see..." Crowley felt fear in his chest at the Angel's tone.

"Angel? Do..." Very quickly, Aziraphale placed a finger over Crowley's lips. Aziraphale's eyes showed a determined look as he etched the Demon's golden orbs into his mind.

"I love you Crowley." Crowley pulled Aziraphale onto his lap. One arm wrapped gently on his cheek, while the other held and gently stroked his legs. Oh so softly, the Demon's lips locked onto his Angel's. Aziraphale gripped tightly onto Crowley.

"We can stay like this angel, together. For the rest of our lives."

"That's all I could ever want."

"Then I swear to you. I'll be here, by your side forever. I love you angel."

Snake - Aziraphale X Crowley (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now