Chapter 10

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Sokka led the group to an old building covered in moss and vine. It was made of hand-laid stone, with only a few windows for natural light. When they entered, a narrow stone walkway forced the visitor up a short staircase. At the top, a small elderly woman sat behind a worn out stone table. She was writing into an oversized book that looked bigger than her. The quill danced across the parchment and she spoke without looking up at her guests. "New arrivals or birth-certificates?" Her voice scratched the same way the end of her quill hit the parchment.

"What is this place?" General How asked. He and Joo Dee were looking around the room for any visual indicators to explain their surroundings. To the General's surprise, Joo Dee's smile was gone and his jaw might as well have been on the floor.

Sokka stepped over to the woman and leaned on her desk. "When I'm faced with an impossible decision, I do a lot of research." The group stopped in their places and watched as Sokka continued. "For example, when I needed to figure out how to plan an invasion on the Fire Nation during the war, I needed a map. But the Fire Nation was always one step ahead. They had the foresight to keep all their information hidden away from their enemies. They're annoying in that way." Sokka finally looked past the group and met Zuko's eyes.

Sokka smirked and continued, "So, I needed an impossible library. Wan Shi Tong's Library. But the Fire Nation thought of that, too. And burned all their history" He moved away from the desk and walked over to one the bookcases and pulled a random tome. "Recently, I had time to spend in the Fire Nation Palace. I decided to do some reading. And I read everything. Then, I stumbled on a tome not so different from this one."

He walked over to Joo Dee and handed it to her. Sokka smiled, "I assumed there were tomes, like this one, from every Fire Nation Colony. So when I got to Yu Dao, I wanted to confirm my theory."

Joo Dee thumbed through the pages, "b-but this is just a list of names."

"Exactly. It's the recordkeeping census of this colony. Complete with birthdates and familial lineage." Sokka confirmed smugly.

Zuko's eyes widened. "Sokka..." he breathed.

"This colony has existed in this land for so long, that its current citizens are both Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom. And, the 'so-called' Fire Nation descendants don't even know life in the homeland."

Suki cut into Sokka's speech, "So, is the 6 year-old, fire-bending daughter supposed to be ripped from her Earth Kingdom mother and father?" She crossed her arms and glared at Joo Dee and the General.

Zuko was beaming, "General How, Joo Dee. Tell the Earth King to meet with me. Here, in Yu Dao." He looked up at Sokka for a silent thank you before adding, "Oh right, 'by week's end'."


A Fire Nation soldier on the battlefield was kicking up sand while both troops were unsure if they were meant to continue the fight or not. An earth-bender kicked over a small rock to the fire-bender. The soldier watched the rock roll slowly over to her and she stared back at him. He shrugged and smiled playfully. She tried to look menacing, but knew she was just as bored and kicked the rock back over to him. They went back and forth at this for a while, until he tripped trying to receive her toss. She giggled to herself, and he bended the earth beneath the laughing fire-bender towards him. She squeaked and found her footing again. He chuckled to himself as he stood up. They stared at each other for a moment and opened their mouths for an introduction, but were quickly called to attention by the return of their leaders.

"Everyone! Cease and desist. There will be no more fighting!" Fire Lord Zuko and General How shouted to their troops.

The Fire Nation soldiers started back toward the airship and the Earth Kingdom troops were returning to the tanks. The fire-bender and earth-bender turned back to look at each other one more time, and gave a shy wave.


The Earth King arrived the next day. He and Zuko spent several hours in negotiations with Sokka and Joo Dee. All the while, the people of Yu Dao were unsure of their place in the world, and cautioned to resume their day-to-day activities.

"But this is Earth Kingdom territory!" whined the King.

The Fire Nation soldiers packed their camps and loaded the airship.

"But the people are not ours either!" Joo Dee persisted.

The Earth Kingdom troops rode their tanks away from the colony.

"Let the people decide what is best. Elected officials. Let them choose what they want!" Sokka implored.

"I'll help them. Will you?" Zuko challenged.


The sun set on the colony and people peered out of their homes. Some ran to friends and relatives in neighboring apartments, happy for the end of the chaos.

Suki commanded the other Kioshi warriors to share the news of safety with the rest of the colony. Sokka waited for her to finish, then tapped her shoulder, "Hey..." She turned to the familiar touch, "Hey, yourself!" She grinned, but felt something uneasy in his voice.

"I know I made a promise to you, but I-... I have to go again." Sokka winced in preparation for the barrage of fan swats to his face. "...I know." Suki smiled, "Just make sure you don't disappear again." Suki smiled and Sokka relaxed his shoulders, surprised by her understanding.

He looked into Suki's eyes, they exchanged an understanding of something bigger than the two of them. When I put myself out there, he brings out the best in me...

She took his hand to signal her blessing, stood on her tippy toes and gave his cheek a quick kiss. Suki turned to follow the other Kioshi Warriors. Sokka hung his head and turned on his heel for the airship. Something moved in the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a figure at the top of the platform. "Zuko?" Sokka chased up the platform and found no one around. He shook it off and prepared to head back to the Fire Nation Palace.

The airship landed late in the evening. As usual, attendants swarmed the Fire Lord. They were all happy to see his safe return, even happier to see Sokka was the one to return him. One servant insisted the Fire Lord check in with the Royal medic, but Zuko swatted them away. He was adamantly trying to return to his chambers. Alone.

"Hey! So, what's with the purple?" Sokka asked clumsily walking Zuko down the corridor.

"Hm? Uh, it's new." Zuko said shortly to end the conversation.

"Well, it's super freaking cool! Is it a... family thing? Like, y'all just have different colors for your fire?" Sokka elbowed Zuko playfully.

"No." Zuko growled flatly.

"Okay..." Sokka stepped in front of Zuko and herded him into the corner of the corridor. "What's the matter? We just changed the freaking world - AGAIN - and you're acting like it's nothing. We should be celebr-"

Zuko grabbed Sokka by the wrist and, in one twist, flipped him around and against the opposing wall. "Why don't you call Suki, and celebrate without me." Zuko hissed. He disengaged from Sokka and continued to his chambers. Sokka furrowed his brows and turned, "WHAT THE F-" The door shut behind the Fire Lord.

A/N: I'm ~living~ for that sassy Zuko moment! #petty ... oh, I mean Sokka had a good mic-drop too, tho. Haha!

Art is mine, follow tswillustrated on instagram and tumblr.

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