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A/N Another small tw in this chapter, just be wary!


"Pancakes, eggs, and bacon!"

The hungry boys cheer as a big plate of food is placed in front of them. Philza must have noticed her longingly staring at his cup of coffee because he came back with one for her, too.

"You drink coffee?" asks Tommy.

"Yeah..." Her voice drifts as the smell brings back memories of the man that got her hooked on the hot drink.



"Hey Evangeline, I was wondering if... Evengeline?"

Marshall? She thought, he was supposed to have left!

Panic joined the whirlwind of emotions and the blood covered girl more frantically cut into her wings. She can't be caught like this. It would all be over.

"Evangeline?" Marshall softly knocked on the door.

She sobed, pain and fear gripping every ounce of her body.

"Evangeline I'm coming in ok?"

He had a key, of course he had a key! She dropped the knife, hands shaking as she raised them to her face, bracing herself for her inevitable doom. The door swung open. All that could be heard was the fluttering of Evangeline's red stained wings.

"Oh dear what have you done."

Pain filled Marshall's voice as he pulled the girl into his arms.

"I- you don't hate me?"

"I could never hate you. Evangeline, look at me. You... are like a daughter to me. I'm only upset that you didn't tell me sooner."

Relief. Relief was the calm to the storm, and Evangeline's sobs were now of sweet release, not tight anger. Marshall picked her up and carried her up the stairs into the bathroom. He filled the bath with warm water, never letting go of her once.



Her eyes open, remembering the hurt in his voice, the warmth in his heart. She won't let that happen again. She must have zoned out through the rest of breakfast, because the food she had carefully nibbled is being taken away and her arm is being tugged on.

"Come on Eva! Can I call you that? I want to show you around!" Tommy is leading her to the door and it seems like all three brothers will be going as well.

"I thought the forest wasn't safe," she raises an eyebrow at Philza.

"In the day it's better, plus: my boys will be there to protect you this time."

She rolls her eyes, but is smiling as she allows the excited blond to push her out the door.

"Hurry up!"

She can't help but giggle as Tommy drags her along, giving her a chaotic tour of what seems to be their property.

"Here's the stream!" He pants, waiting only long enough for his companions to catch up before he takes off again. "Here's a big wide open valley!" He yells with his arms stretched wide to display the big wide open-ness. "That's unexplored forest, and that's Technoblade's farm."

Evangeline guiltily looks at Techno, recognising the farm from her theft. He just smirks at her, faking the act of anger. She clears her throat.

"Yeah uh, sorry about that."

Wilbur and Tommy look at the two of them with confusion, but don't get to ask because Techno is leading them back to the valley. They all lay down in the grass, soaking in the midday rays and giggling like schoolchildren.

"So are you guys, like, brothers?"
"Yeah!" exclaims Tommy, "Well, sort of."

Wilbur chuckles. "All of us were kind of on our own, like you were. Eventually, Philza found us and took us in, treated us like family."

"He's nice," Evangeline whispers.

"Yeah, he is."

A/N just a short chapter with a dash of traumatic flashback. Also, family dynamic pog? Have you eaten today? You, no matter what anyone says, deserve food. Today, I want you to blast your favorite song and have a dance party. Food for your body, food for your soul.

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