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After the first time was successful, Evangeline went out and flew more, gaining confidence the boys had never seen. It soon became part of her routine as she started to fit into the family like a missing puzzle piece. Weeks passed, and she slowly forgave bad memories by replacing them with new, good ones.

"Come on Tommy, let's go play!" The two kids giggle and Tommy grabs Techno on his way out to join them. He grumbles, but doesn't protest as their usual routine consists of him reading while the kids play, Wilbur joining them on occasion. With bare feet, they run all the way to the valley. Neither one of them are a fan of shoes. Technoblade, as he always does, sits down with his favorite book: The Art of War. Evangeline flaps her wings, going higher and higher, until she swoops down, trying to tag her brother. He narrowly evades her, but shrieks at her attempt.

"Get away from me, bitch!"

She only laughs as she flies directly into Tommy, knocking both of them over. They continue their game for a few hours until Techno beacons them both.

"Come on you two, it should be getting dark soon. We need to head back."

"You guys go on ahead, I want to try something. I'll meet you at home."

"Don't stay too late!"

And with that, Evangeline is left by herself. Re-positioning her form in the sky, she flies over the trees into the 'unexplored' section. It can't hurt her from her position in the sky, and besides, she wants to work on her distance training. Unbothered, she soars higher than ever before. Wait... what is that? A creature, no- a human is down below. She slows down to get a better look. Curiosity quickly turns to fear when Evangeline realises that they see her, and is now following her every move. An unforgettable, gut wrenching feeling of being watched increases her speed until the tears blurring her sight cause her to crash into the woods. No, not again!


It had been ten months since she met Marshall, and six since he found out about her secret. Evangeline knew, because she counted each day as a blessing. She had started venturing out more, exploring the valleys and forests surrounding the village. She didn't have many friends, as lack of experience made it difficult for her to make them. Encouraged by Marshall, she escaped to the fields to practice flying. Evangeline had walked all her life, trying to be as normal as possible. Perhaps this could be a new start for her. Higher and higher, her wings soared along with her hopes. A stray gust trifled with her balance and she tumbled to the ground for the third time that week. At least now she knew how to use her wings to brace her fall. Brushing herself off with the same determination Evangeline had always had, she prepared to take off again before she froze. Two sets of eyes were watching her from behind a tree.

"No," she whispered, grabbing her corset and tying herself first before running after the spies. It was two girls from the village, she remembered playing with them on her first day. Evangeline was too slow, and had already lost them by the time she made it into the village, so instead she went into the bakery.


Running, like prey being chased, feels like deja vu. Now she is sure that she is not alone, as there are two sets of footsteps creating a disturbance in the brush. She is stumbling, her usual confident footing failing her. Then, she stops moving all together. A sharp pain in her wing brings her attention to the arrow that has pinned her to a tree.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" A figure runs toward her, quickly putting his bow away. "I was scared, and I thought you were an animal... thank god I missed!"

Evangeline studies the man in front of him. There is something off putting about the way that she can't read him. A condescending smile on a white mask is covering the hunter's face.

"Here, let me help you." Rough fingers grab the arrow and a little too harshly pull it from her wing.

"What are you doing out here all alone?"

"I'm not alone," Evangeline says a little too quickly. She feels the man tense, but she can't see past the artificial eyes. He fiddles with his dark green jacket obviously contemplating something.

"Who are you with?" The man backs off, asking the question in a nonchalant manner.

"My... family and I live in the woods together."

"Your family?"

"Well, they're not really my family, they kinda took me in and I've been living-"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He cuts her off, "I mean, considering who you are."

Evangeline freezes. It's been a while, but she supposes she forgot who she really was.

"Listen to me, I get you. No one else understands, but I do. " He pauses, and paces in a circle. "My name is Dream. I am the leader of a great empire, and I want to expand into this territory. You don't belong anywhere. But, with me, you can finally be a part of something."

"I- I'm not sure..."

"Not sure of what? Not sure that you want to go from nothing to something? An outcast to a hero? I get that this is all moving very quickly, but if you change your mind, come find me." With a tone of annoyance he turns on his heels and disappears into the quickly darkening forest. With a racing mind and heart, Evangeline takes to the sky again, hurrying home before the darkness consumes her.

A/N Oh Dream... How are we feeling you guys? Side note: you are gorgeous and awesome and amazing and wonderful and caring and beautiful and... need I go on? Today I want you to prepare a meal for yourself. It's ok if it's just a tortilla sandwich; I'm still proud of u!

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