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"I can make it all ok."

Evangeline shudders and looks up at the masked man holding her. He is right. It's all her fault. She let herself get attached, and now her family is in danger, again. She is worthless and pathetic.

"I will do anything to protect them."

"I know you will," Dream's soft voice finds a place in Evangeline's heart, embedding itself like worms in an apple.

"What can I do?"

"I want your wings," he whispers. "Think about it; they are the real reason all this happened. If we get rid of them, we get rid of all of your problems."

The girl wipes away her tears. The resentment and hate for herself had been softening in the last couple of months, but in a rush it all comes back. She is the problem. Her curse is the problem. Maybe Dream can fix it.


Dream stands up the moment he hears her consent, the emotions from only seconds ago now revealed to be fabricated. He unsheaths his sword and places the edge at the base of her wings. He pauses once more, "Are you sure?"


(small) tw gore

"Stop! Don't hurt her!" Heads turned to see Marshall stepping out of his house, nursing a small head wound with one hand and carrying a tan satchel with the other. Out of shock and curiosity, the villagers let the old man through to his daughter. In a low voice that only Evangeline could hear, he said, "Take the bag and run when I tell you to. It's not safe here anymore. I love you." Evangeline gripped the bag and looked up to see that the dad from before was now holding a crossbow. A crossbow aimed at her head. "Run!" Marshall pushed her out of the crowd and she started running as fast as she could. An arrow flew past her cheek. She looked back to see Marshall being restrained as the man reloaded the crossbow. She watched in horror as he raised his weapon. Evangeline was running as fast as she could, but she knew he would only miss once. The arrow was shot. Evangeline wishes it has hit her. Instead, it was lodged into the head of the only family she had. The villagers were just as shocked as she was when the old man used the last of his strength to block the arrow from hitting her. Evangeline stumbled and fell. Everything was numb. There was a sharp silence, the kind that rings in your ears. But she didn't have time to mourn. An arrow lodged into her shoulder. Suddenly, the world came rushing back. Wind filled her lungs again and she found her footing. She had to save herself. For Marshall.

end tw


For Techno. For Philza. For Tommy. For Wilbur.

"Do it."

Without a second more of hesitation, Dream's blade meets her wings and slices clean through. Evangeline knows she is screaming. She knows she is feeling excruciating pain. But all she feels is numb. A bright light envelopes her. There is nothing left. Dream walks away, having accomplished what he needed to do. Evangeline lets her body drift away, feeling her eyes close and she welcomes death with open arms.

Evangeline doesn't die. She waits, and waits, but eventually the pain in her back becomes more of a nuisance as the numbness fades away. She stands up, swaying a little, but is stable enough to walk. So walk she does. With a quiet mind, she lets her feet guide the way. Her feet lead her home. Home... I just want to go home. As the house comes into view, her eyes start to sting, but not from tears. Waves of heat hit her face, but her expression remains unchanged. There is no house to come home to. Dream lied. Evangeline doesn't stop to mourn. Her eyes are blank. An outsider watching her might mistake her as a ghost. Pale, graceful, and devoid of emotion. She is broken, completely. Everyone she has ever loved hane shattered before her eyes. She walks away from the fire, unfazed and unafraid. She walks for what could be minutes, hours, or days. Nothing reaches her anymore.

Eventually she reaches a point where she can't walk anymore. Not because of pain or hunger, which she can no longer feel. She stands still, having been stopped by a cliff overlooking the ocean. Wind tangles her hair as the sea breeze taunts her with the scent of freedom. Evangeline the wind must be saying, come dance with us.

"I can't."

Arms stretched wide like the wings that once were, she inches closer to the edge of the cliff. Like an invitation, it's a final gust of wind that pushes her off. Evangeline could have saved herself. But she didn't. Her tears, snatched by the wind, careen to the ever-closening sea. Evangeline's mouth curls into the tiniest smile. For the final time, she is flying again.


A/N And that's a wrap! Thank you all for your support on this journey, I had a really fun time writing this book. If you enjoyed it, don't be afraid to tell me or ask me anything! Even if you just want to chat, my dms will always be open. I love you all so much please drink water and eat and stretch and love yourself even when I'm not here to remind you. You are beautiful and precious and you matter. Author out! 

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