chapter four

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"you came to this town by choice, ella," a spiritual voice whispered in the air. "and now you can't leave." ella whimpered, holding herself tightly, not trying to do anything stupid. the knife was still attatched to her neck, and she can feel the blood oozing down now.

"please," she cried. "whatever it is you want, i'll give, just please," she sobbed. "leave me alone."

"i'm afraid that's impossible," another voice filled in.

"you're the only one who can hear us. who can see us." he made a sound with his mouth. "it's as if you're the chosen one, ella."

"please let me go," ella whines, not really understanding what the voice meant by being the chosen one.

"ella, we're all dead. we're ghosts. there's no denying that," he said. "and you can see us. does that mean nothing to you?"

"it means i'm a freak," ella bit back.

"it means you're special. do you want to know why we're all dead?"

"maybe after there wasn't a goddamn knife to my neck."

"let her go," whoever was holding the knife let go of her.

"we were murdered, ella."

ella stayed silent. how else would you respond to a ghost who got murdered?

the boy laughed. "i guess it'd be hard to respond to that, yeah."

"i still don't understand why you're all here, in my apartment, in the dark, and talking to me."

"ella, love, you can help us."

"and how the hell am i supposed to do that?"

"you can find our murderer. see, according to paranormal legend, if the ghost's killer is killed, the ghost can return back to life."

"you cant me to kill someone?" ella gasped.

"kill someone, or we kill someone. want to know why elliot wasn't answering his phone?"

"what have you done with him?" ella yells for dear life. she's the only one who can see and hear them, so if anyone hears her, they'd assume she was mental. ella assumed she was mental as well.

"you're not mental, ella. this is all real."

"are you reading my mind?" ella asks with fear.

"perks of being dead."

"this isn't real, this is all a nightmare. i'm going to wake up in my old town any minute now with my cheating boyfriend dylan right by my side, and my troubled friends drunken on my couch. this isn't real."

"it's real ella," the boy grasped for her hand. she felt an oozing sensation, one where she didn't feel anything, but at the same time she felt a mix of things. that was the feeling of feeling a ghost.

ella jumped back in surprise, her heart getting stuck in her throat.

"you have to help me, ella. you have to help all of us."

"why should i? you're scaring the living crap out of me," she breathed out.

"please, ella, you're the only one who can help me. you're the only who can help all of us."

"i don't even know your name, and you're dead," ella spat. "there isn't much to help with."

the knife was pulled back to her neck.

"you're helping us, ella," she could hear the smirk in his voice. "and the name's calum, by the way."

"if i help you, you leave me alone, and elliot is safe?"

"that's the deal."

"fine," ella managed to say as the knife was almost choking her. "i'll do it. i'll help you; all of you."

goddamn x3

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