Part 2

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"You got a cat?" Mikasas voice repeated Erens words. "Well, yeah. I thought he was really cute so I got him." he explained, shrugging as he held his cell phone up to his ear. It was late that night, and he knew he was suppose to be asleep to rest for the test in history course. But Eren never cared about history anyways, so what was the point? "Why, is it bad I got one or something? I mean you did tell me to get a pe-"

"I know what I told you, Eren." she interrupted, voice still flat yet Eren could sense emotion in  there somewhere. "I just wasn't expecting you to chose a cat is all... is it because of mom?" Eren took a deep breath. "You could say that." he managed, eyes darting to Armin who was pawing at a toy mouse on the ground not to far from his bed.

He heard Mikasa sigh. "If you're happy with you choice then so am I. But I want to see better grades from you from head on out, okay?" she stated. "Yes, mom." he answered with a smirk.

It had only been six days since Eren adopted Armin, and he loved having the little fur ball at his side. Mikasa was one hundred percent right about getting a pet. Eren was finding himself less stressed at school and people when he started petting or playing with Armin. It was relaxing somehow, though Eren didn't mind it one bit.

Hell, Armin even figured out what time Eren woke up for classes. It became a daily routine almost; the kitten would crawl up to Erens face at exactly seven thirty and nuzzle the side of his face on the brunette's cheek until he woke up. That would earn Armin pets, so of course he continued the process. Eren only questioned it once or twice, but I was better than his alarm clock screaming bloody murder for him to get up.

Thankfully, today was Friday, meaning Eren could go out with a couple friends tonight for some fun. He remembered Sasha saying something about a party at one of her friends, and most of his group agreed to go. Eren got dressed quickly and made breakfast, Armin right on his heels most of the morning. He put everything in his book bag, checking over to make sure he won't forget anything this time. Filling Armins food bowl by the kitchen, he went to the door and walked into the cold.

Eren got to school earlier, wanting to get all the facts about the party down with Sasha. The girl in question was sitting with a few other college students, talking joyfully or looking over their unfinished homework. Sasha smiled when she saw Eren approaching the group. "Heya, Eren!" she greeted, her ponytail moving from side to side when she moved. "Hey." he said back, waving his hand to her and the rest of the students as he took a seat.

He asked Sasha about the party plans. "Okay, so it starts at eight tonight and can go on till morning." she answered as she scribbled the address on a blank sheet of paper. "I don't think you know the girl who's hosting it that well, but she invited you, me, Jean, Marco, Connie, Renier, and Bert." As she listed the names, she pointed to the people that were in the group. "You still able to make it?" she grinned.

"I hope so. I have lots of work to do from Professor Smith and few other things at home." he replied. "Things at home?" a voice brought up. "What kind of things, Jaeger?" Eren rolled his golden eyes. "I don't know, Jean. Is it really any of your business?" he retorted. Before Jean could say anything else, Reiner interrupted. "Can you both please shut the hell up? Who cares what Erens doing, anyways Jean. If you hate him so much, why do you want to know?"

Jean didn't answer that, he just folded his arms and his boyfriend Marco pat his back lightly. Eren thanked Reiner in his head, since he hated fighting with that horse faced asshat.

Eren did decide to go to the party that night. He needed to let college get out of his system for once, and he hadn't hung out with his friends outside of the classroom in god knows how long. So after his morning classes, he went home quickly. Eren was greeted by Armin, who padded up to him and nuzzled at his ankles. He bent down and scratched the kittens head. "Hello!" he grinned and started walking to his room. He threw his bag down beside the twin bed, and plopped on top of it. He sighed and looked to the clock on the bed stand. Four hours until he was with his group of friends, forgetting about everything he was stressed over.

Armin jumped on to the bed, sitting right beside his stomach. Eren stroked the top of his head. "Think you can manage a night alone, buddy?" he asked, knowing he wouldn't get an answer.

After working on a few pages of homework, more destroyed got pockets, and cleaning up his room (which was just shoving things he didn't need under his bed), Eren climbed back into his car to head over to hosts house. After putting the address in his phone to give him a route, he turned the radio to the rock station, tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel to the beat of the music.

Eren parked in front of the house in about twenty minutes, looking over to it. It was for the most part well kept and he could hear the loud music boom through the red brick walls. He walked up to the door and saw the little sticky note on it. 'Come on in! The door is open~'. He did what the note told him to, pushing the door open and seeing all the people crowded in the living room and kitchen.

The rooms lights were dimmed and the constant beat of the EDM made it hard to hear each voice specifically. His eyes meet with Sasha and she smiled. She moved over to him, holding the red cup above the group so nothing would spill. "Hey! Glad you showed up!" she yelled to him. "Why don't you come with me, most of out friends are in the kitchen!" Eren nodded with a grin and followed. There was the whole gang standing around the bar aside from Connie, who was dancing widely in the center of the room.

Reniers gold eyes lay on Eren and takes another red cup from the table. "Yo, Eren. Here, take one!" he said, holding it out to the burnet. Eren took it, looking in to see it half filled with beer. He shrugged, taking a sip. "How late were you guys wanting to stay?" he asked as the beer went down. "We're not sure, just when ever the party gets boring." Jean replied, an arm wrapped around Marcos shoulder.

Eren just nodded, eyes looking back to the party going on in the living room. This may be a long night.

The night went on slower than he thought it would. It's not that it wasn't fun, he had an absolute blast with everyone there. He knew that he wanted to pass out in his own bed, despite wanting to have a few more drinks and talk with every other person there. But there was no way he could stay the whole time.

So when he felt the alcohol wearing off, he said his goodbyes and walked out to his car. He didn't turn on the music this time, trying to focus in the dark to his way home. Thankfully he didn't get lost- too much at least- and parked in the apartment parking lot. He stumbled to his apartment, swinging the door open and shut. Armin was at his feet, mewing as a hello. Eren lazily bent down to scratch the cats back for a second and headed to his room.

Eren flew himself on the bed, not caring to remove his shoes or change into more comfortable clothes. Armin jumped on to the bed beside him, snuggling up on Erens left side. He sighed as he laid on his back, staring at the ceiling and passing out quickly.

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