I Have Some News...

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Hello, Makk here!

I'm wanting to address this story because if I'm entirely honest, I'm not sure I can finish it for a multitude of reasons.

I think the main one is I haven't done anything Attack On Titan in what feels like years. It's not that I no longer care for it, I've just lost interest and moved on with other things. It just got pushed slowly down my favorite list to the point where it wasn't on my priority list. With the new season coming soon (hopefully), that may change, but I'm not sure myself. 

I've tried to write more chapters for the past couple months and I'm having a hard time continuing the story. I know where I left it made it very open to what happens next, but I can't find anything that seems to really work, I guess you can say. No route seems to really flow with me and sound good. It just looks and feels off no matter what I try. I have to blame myself for this, because writers block has been killing me and I keep getting distracted with other work that may appear on here soon (be on the look out for that if you're interested!).

Not to mention, it's been quite stressful. With so many positive reviews for "Not Your Average Pet", I felt like I HAD to continue even if I didn't necessarily want to. Over 2000 reads, over 55 comments, and so many Votes. I've never gotten this much attention over anything I've done when it comes to art, and it pains me to not know what exactly to do for so many people I've made happy because of this story. I feel compelled to write even if it's not what I want to do.

I'm sorry to those who were awaiting another chapter instead of this message, but I can't bring myself to continue this one right now. My mind isn't producing any ideas for it. I hope that you can all be understanding of my decision, the last thing I want to do is make someone upset over this ending. Who knows, I may find the right ideas and jump back on this story, but at this time, I simply can't. 

If you do, however, like my writing, I hope you can stay with me as I will hopefully be posting new content in the next coming months. Things from Ace Attorney, Death Note, and a surprise fic should be moved from paper on to this website for proper editing to be given to it and posted to the public. I hope you are all excited as I am for that!

With that being said, thanks to each and every one of you for your unending support and love for this story, it gives me such hope for what comes next. But for now, it is being put to rest. I hope to see you all soon with my upcoming works. Thank you for understanding, love you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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