Part 3

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((Hello! So sorry for our chapters being so slow, we've been VERY busy with school the past few months... anyways, here it is! A new part to this story! Thanks for the 200+ reads XD))

"Eren....? Owner Eren?" The boys in question groaned, head still a bit blurry (whether it was the drinks or being tired he didn't know). He threw his hand over his eyes. "Eren?" the voice called to him again, and he finally noticed the weight on the side if his bed. 

Eren froze for a good few seconds. No one was in his apartment except for him, and Mikasa was the only person with another key. He hesitantly took his hand off his eyes, staring up to who ever what beside him.The first thing he saw was large, ocean blue eyes looking down to him. They blinked a few times, wonder written all over them. Next was the bright blond hair that fell down to his chin, and it reminded Eren of the sun peeking from the window. Eren gulped, realizing there was a random boy in his room. Not only that, but this kid wasn't... wasn't wearing anything. 

"W-who the hell are you?!" He yelled, sitting up and moving to the other side of the bed.The boys tilted his head, and that's when Eren noticed two ears lying flat down on his head as they twitched. "What do you mean...? Don't you always wake up at this time!" he asked. "Why should I? You just showed up in my bedroom while I was sleeping!" Eren exclaimed, glancing at his cell phone which lied on the bed side table. 

The blond could only let out a tiny giggle. "That's silly talk! I've been here the whole time! You let me cuddle with you too~" he grinned, starting to crawl across the bed.Now Eren could see the kids tail, and suddenly everything seemed to click. "Are you... Armin?" his voice came out in a whisper. 

"Well, duh! Who else would I be?" the boy answered. Eren didn't speak. This... this was probably joke. Maybe Connie snuck something in his drink last night and symptoms are just now kicking in. Yeah, that's all this is. Don't get so worked up over it. He told himself, teal eyes not drifting from the cat boy before him. "Of course you are! How could I not see that before, aha..." Eren managed.

"I just didn't know you could uh... do this." Armin nodded, sitting down in the middle of the bed. "I know, it's a bit different, but my siblings could do this as well. You know, the others in the litter you chose me from." he explained, a cheerful grin on his lips. Eren nodded slowly, taking everything in, but still not trusting whatever was in front of him. "That's pretty... interesting." he commented, getting a smile in return from Armin. "I know right!" he purred, a giggle following. 

With a sigh, Eren decided to go along with whatever was happening. "Okay, so, Armin. Why don't we get you into some clothes so you're not naked." The blond frowned at his words this time. "But why? They look funny..." he muttered, blue eyes looking away. "In the human world, it's not considered good to not wear clothing. How about I chose something that's really big on you, so you can get used to it!"

After getting a hesitant nod from Armin, Eren got up and got to his drawers. He pulled out a large sleeping shirt and gym shorts, tossing them to the bed beside him. Armin nudged the clothing with his finger, looking up to Eren with a confused look. "But how do you put them on?"Eren groaned and walked over to the bed to help him. This is going to be hell.

"Okay, let me go over a few rules." Eren started. It had been a few hours since he saw Armin over his bed, and the boy still hadn't disappeared. Eren came to the realization that he was, in fact, a somewhat human being and not an apparition. With this in mind, he knew that some ground rules had to be put in place. Armin had a human body yet the mind of a cat. To Eren, this could bring all kinds of danger, especially when he was at his classes.So he was able to sit Armin down on the couch and come up with a few basic rules.

"One; if you don't know what it is, do NOT try to play with it. I know that curiosity killed the cat, and I don't think either of us want that." He sighed at Armins tiny laugh. "Just play with the toys I gave you. Two; this one ties with the first. If you don't know what it is, don't try to eat it. Or put it anywhere near your mouth. Just eat what I give you. And uh, three; I won't know if you're human or cat when I'm gone, so jus-" 


Armin interrupted. "I know that this is pretty new for you, but I know how to handle myself while you're gone. I mean, have you ever come back to a trashed apartment or find something destroyed?" He stopped to look up at him. "Thank you though, for worrying about me, but I can control myself just fine!" Eren had no choice but to agree. Armin was right about that; he didn't know how many times he turned human without him here, so there was really no reason for worry.

"Okay, okay. You have a point. But if I find anything different than it was before, there will be an issue." he warned. Armin smiled as his response. "You got it, Owner!" he answered. Eren paused where he stood.  "Uh... you know you can just call me Eren, right? And besides that sounds really weird to me." he brought up, going to the narrow kitchen. "Oh, okay then, Eren." 

Armin giggled, and Eren grinned at the blonds joy. He opened the freezer and took out a Hot Pocket, tearing the wrapper of it. "So, Armin. What exactly are you?" he asked as he put the food on a plate and throwing it in the microwave. "I'm truly feline, but my previous owner found a way to make us human! Well, mostly human." he answered, pointing to the ears. Eren punched the numbers in the microwave as he talked. "Your owner experimented on you?" he said, turning back to the boy. "Like, he did something to allow to change into a human being?" Armin nodded. "That's right! If you're wanting to know how, I'm not sure. He wouldn't let anyone see his work and didn't let us leave his house."

"Then why were you at the pet shop? I mean, you said that your 'litter' or whatever was there too. Why would he just... let all of you go like that if he was so secretive about you all?" Eren moved to the counter, not taking his gaze off Armin. 

"Well, he didn't tell us much, but did mention that we weren't supposed to be caught." Armin muttered, and Eren stood up straight. "Caught?" Eren exclaimed as the beeping of the microwave cut in. He didn't go to it, but instead stayed directly where he was. "Caught as in wanted by someone? Caught-?" Eren stopped himself and took a breath. Maybe Armin just meant it another way, that had to be it. "I think so." the blond responded, making a small face as he tried to remember the scene. "Like I said, he didn't tell us everything. Maybe it was for protection? I don't know." he shrugged a little which made the large tee shirt fall off one of his shoulders. "Maybe he just didn't to admit that he wanted to get rid of us."

Eren sighed, going to the microwave and taking out his Hot Pocket. "You better hope it meant nothing. I don't want my door being barged down in the morning asking if I had an odd human cat thing. I already have enough on my plate with school and raising you" Eren commented, getting a tiny hiss from Armin. "I'm not a thing!" 

"Yeah, yeah. Keep saying that to your ears and tail, cat."

((Thanks for reading! Lets hope the next chapter will be faster? ~KK))

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