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Pokeshipping is the ship, the fairy tale that never Ends...

Me:Aaah What is Wrong with this Radio

Dawn: So what Ship is next

Me:YEAH lets get on with this instead of listening to this stupid RADIO

Ash:Hey,what do you keep in your house

Me: First this is not a house, second you better start reacting

Dawn: so if this place isn't a House what is it?

Me: My Mansion, now lets get reacting!!!

Me: So the next ship is POKESHIPPING

Serena: You mean that?

Me: up so what do you all think

May: That picture is super DUPER cute

Serena:*try's to hide Jealousy*Y- yeah

Misty:Whaaa*blush*it's nothing like that we are just friends

Brock:Aha I knew it so where is my SONG again yeah Ash and Misty sitting in a tree-

Misty:*Pull's brock's ear* Wanna Sing huh

Me: Ash what about you


Dawn:*Whispers*Why is he silent

May: Probably because he is Embarrassed

Dawn: But he is-

Ash:well I don't really know, we are good friends

Me:Sheesh,I remember you weren't dense in the first few seasons,Atleast I got to see your face,No I am making the reaction, am I breaking the fourth wall or something

Serena:Uh you already did

Me: Luckily this isn't a truth or Dare or else you would have have to jump in a pool of Jelly and where those clothes' for the rest of the day, why didn't I think this for my Pokespe truth or Dare

Ruby:Thank Goodness you didn't

Sappire:It would have been good if you did


Me:Let's get on with the next ship

Pokemon Characters React to ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now