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Me:Ayae I am back with another ship

Blue:Woah woah where were you

Me:Aha I was doing stuff researching about stuff like your ship's

Black: And for your Kind information

Blake: We did the Laverrershipping and you should have seen the picture

X:..Not this again

Me: Anyway it is the Matchmaker's turn,Blue

Blue:Wait my turn look Red is supposed to be with Yellow....

Yellow: BLUE!

Blue:And Silver seriously he is my Younger Brother, and Gold he is a Prevert and Mangaquestshiping forever.....


Blue:Ruby is not my type though he is Meant for Sapphire.


Blue:Hmm Pearl and Diamond no way,they are meant to be with Platinum.

Pearl: What-

Blue:Black shout's too much and Blake. He is meant to be WITH Whitley

Black and Black:Uh Senior Blue-

Blue:And X he is meant to be with Y-

X:*slight blushing*....

Me:Woah woah who told you to give description of the boy's..

Blue:I just guessed anyway my ship is with-GREENIE how cool amazing wait what...

Green:I am outta here...

Me:As I expected, REACT...

Blue:oK OK chill,You see Greenie doesn't care about me but certainly..I do*Blushes*...

Green:That's not true*blushes a bit*..

Blue:Now look who is Speaking..

Green:Noisy woman don't tell me you-....

Blue:I clicked a Picture...

Pokespe:*Anime fall*..

Me:Ok..on with the next ship there will no more Blue ship's..

Blue:Thank you...

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