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Requested by @_KasumiToyama_

Me:*Getting camera ready*This will go to History aswell.

Dawn:What will?

Me:You'll see anyway it's your turn.

Dawn:My turn.

Me:Yup here is your ship!

Dawn:Hmm ok-what PAUL!

May:Paul?Oh that Jerk...woah opposites attract cool!

Dawn:Shut it!

Me:good thing I have my camera...

Blue(Female,Adventures):You do realize it's Mine it has my ship's...

Me:Yeah,Yeah I know I am just adding more...

Blue:Oh whatever,GIVE IT BACK,Greenie gave it to me..

Green(Male,Adventures):Did I?..

Blue:Yes you did...

Me:Well Dawn,react...

Dawn:Oh well Paul is big jerk who would ever date him,I want to just Punch his face and give him a piece of my mind...

Me:Recorded,Oh I was getting the Camera ready,anyway Paul you better react..

Paul:Why are you people shipping me with a troublsome Girl like her...




Me:Well,I need to move on to the next ship you two can keep arguing...

Paul:I am not gonna waste my time arguing with a troublesome girl like her anyway...

Dawn:Yeah Whatever.......

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