Put Me Down

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The first person who noticed me crying was Katie, who quickly sprang up.

"What's wrong?" She asked, a worried look flashing in her brown eyes.  I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it.

"It's n-nothing," i replied in a whisper, my voice cracking.  

"Its' not nothing if you're crying." Zack said, also standing up.  I shook my head again, opening the door and running out of the room.  I dropped my things as I ran, but didn't care to pick them up as I ran out of the school, slipping and sliding on the rain that now covered the ground.

The rain drenched me as I ran more and more.  Where to? I didn't even know.  My heart beat echoed through my ears. 

You sing terrible! Why do you even sing!

The painful memories came pouring into my head, stinging my heart. 

Just give up already!

I paused, hearing foot steps coming up behind me.  I turned and looked over my shoulder.  The tears still came down my face as I only shook my head at Summer's begging of me to stay.  Begging to tell her what was wrong.  I turned and continued to run.  Home. I thought, turning down a street corner as the rain continued to pour.  

I made it to my door, pausing and breathing hard.  My mother would not be happy with my sudden presence, if she noticed at all.  She wouldn't notice, she never did.  I kicked over the potted plant, it hitting the ground and shattering.  I picked up the spare key that was under it and unlocked the door. I pushed it open, then shut it loudly behind me.

I heard the noise of chair against hard wood floor.

"Bently isn't it-" my mother paused as she realized who it was, a look of displeasure coming across of her face. "Why are you here." she asked.  It was more of a bitter statement.  I frowned, letting out a sign as I kicked off my soaked shoes.

"Something happened at school..." I mumbled before turning and walking upstairs.  I heard my mother huff and then make her way back in the table.  

She hated me.  She hated me because I possessed a skill that my father had, the skill of music.  She always put me down for it, called me stupid and told me I was terrible at it.  I had begun to take it to heart, and the fact that she had signed me up for Advanced Choir or whatever was just her way to mock me.  She made me lose my ability to perform in front of people, so she tried to put me in the situation as much as possible.

The bitch.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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