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Summer walked quickly and opened the door to homeroom.

We were probaly the smallest homeroom.

All of School of Rock was in there, plus me.

"I feel out of place..." I whispered to Katie.  She shook her head waving the thought off.

A teacher sat in the chair, his chin touched his chest as he snored.

"Hey I'm Zack." a tall guy with black hair said, standing up and walking over to me.

"Hayley Fisher." I saw the confusion pass over his face.  A smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"You've...changed." he said, dropping his hand and staring down at me.

It felt really awkward just standing there and staring at eachother.

"BOO!" I jumped about ten feet in the air and landed on my butt to find a certain blonde pest staring down at me, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Jerk." I said, standing up, resisting the erge to punch that smirk off his face.

"It's what I do," he said, before walking off to sit with some people.

I brushed myself off and walked over to a vancant desk and sat down.  I flipped open my bag and grabbed 'The Theory of Music: Volume 4'.  I opened up the book and started reading, when I suddenly felt a presence loming over me, or 2 presences.

"I'm Alicia," one said with crazy hair and dark skin. 

"I'm Marta, also known as Blondie," a blonde girl with wavy blonde hair said.

"I'm Hayley Fisher," I replied, placing my book on the table cover up.

"Music theory, huh?" Alicia said, picking up the book.  "You play anything?" i felt gazes from around the room land on me, including Freddy and Zack.

"I-uh-um...not really..."

"What are you talking about?!" Katie shrieked, standing up and storming over to my desk.  "Hayley plays violin, piano, guitar, cello and she sings!" 

"Decently! I sing decently." I muttered, feeling heat rise in my face.

"You sing amazing," Katie said, punching me lightly in the arm.  I glared at her. Not even Summer knew of my musical talents because she was the manager of School of Rock.  

An awkward silence filled the room.

I put out my hand for my book, which was quickly placed into my hand.  I opened to the page I had been reading and let out a sigh.  

Katie just had to say something.

Hayley FisherWhere stories live. Discover now