A Certain Blonde Pest

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I hummed as I walked down the street.  Only a few blocks to go.  So close I could spint, but I decided not to.

I'm lazy, rememeber?

I heard foot falls behind me, and looked over my shoulder.  I almost died right there.  

It was a certain blond pest known as Freddy Jones.

I walked slightly quicker trying to avoid a conversation with him.

I sat next to him through the years and had never taking a liking to him like most of the girls in the class.

His foot falls became quicker.  It turned into a jog and before I could break out in a sprint his smirking figure was walking next to me.

"Are you new?" he asked, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"No." I replied, cranky from the fact that my quiet time had been ruined by a certain blonde pest.

"You have to, I haven't seen you before." he replied, keeping my eyes on the sidewalk infront of me, i replied, "I sat next to you in 6th grade social studies, seventh grade english and eigth grade algebra."

"...Still haven't seen you before."

"God. I'm Hayley, Hayley Fisher!"

"No way."

"Yes way."

He pondered this for a moment before bursting out laughing right there.  He stopped clenching his stomach.  I turned around and stopped a few steps ahead.  

"What is so funny!" I yelled at him after he had been laughing for a good 3 minutes straight.

"Th-there...is no way you a-are Hayley Fisher!" He exclaimed, standing up straight.

I glared but didnt want to start anything so i turned on my foot and walked away, much to reluctancy.

"Hey where are you going?!" he yelled at my back.  I ignored him as I entered the school grounds. 

"HAYLEY!" I turned just before i was hugged by Katie.  I nearly fell in the middle of the parking lot.

"Hey Katie!" I exclaimed into her t-shirt.

"Yea?" she asked.

"Can you let go? You're suffocating me!" she released me quickly and smiled.  She had grew a few inches since I had last saw her.

"You look so different!" she exclaimed.  I  nodded as I explained my 'transformation'

We laughed for awhile until a blonde head popped into my periferal vision.  I turned my head slightly to see if it was indeed Freddy, and to my demise it was.

"Hey, Katie do you wanna go inside?  I don't want my violin to get all messed up you know," she nodded as we swiftly entered the building into the music hallway.

"So,any summer flings?" I asked with a joking tone, earning myself a sharp glare from Katie.

"You know how I am about dating," she said bluntly, opening the music hallway door.

I placed my violin on the stand when I saw a familiar face pacing the space between the two hallway walls.  Summer.  She was yelling something into her phone before c;licking it shut with an exasperated sigh.

"Hey Summer!" I exclaimed, waving.  Her gaze landed on me before walking over to Katie and I.

"Fisher?" she asked.  I nodded as I chuckled at her surprised look.

She gave me an awkward side hug and then wipped out her schedual.

"Let me see your scheduals."  she said sternly as she gazed at hers, a hand put out towards us.  I pulled the sheet from my back pocket and placed it in her waiting hand.  Katie did the same. 

Summer retracted her hand and looked over all three scheduals.

"I'm in 2nd period study hall and 8th period algebra with Katie..." she paused as she handed back Katie's schedual, "And 4th period English and 8th period with Haze," she said, handing me back my schedual.  Haze was my nickname from Summer because when she first met me she though I said Hazey Fisher, not Hayley.

I nodded.

"Do we all have different homerooms?"

"No, we all have 238.  We should probably head there now or else we will be late," Summer quickly said, checking her watch.  She adjusted her pleated skirt and checked herself over before leaving the hallway, me and Katie in tow.

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