C03: Reunited Heart Strings

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"All eligible ladies of the court," the herald man called, "Please, line accordingly before our main event begin."

Lady Olivia and the other ladies from the high nobles line up before me. Maxwell was on my right side. I saw that they ushered us first to the King ~ as per royal protocol ~ and none of them kiss the ring nor the shoe of the king. On the left side of the stage is the Crown Prince himself, Prince Carter of Cordonia. Will he love me when he learns the worst thing about me? My nervousness seems reaching out in my hand and Maxwell touch my shoulders.

"Relax, I thought you are not nervous?"
"Meeting the royals doesn't make me nervous, Maxwell," I lied, "I can't just anticipate how well this re-first meeting of Carter and I," and there's a little truth.

The palace servant ushered us to present ourselves to the King and the Queen. I let Maxwell spoke first.

"Great. Looks like they're ready for you," Maxwell said to me.
"Now, I am going to present you to King Constantine first. You'll want to make a good first impression on him, so he'll consider you a worthy match for his son. Then you'll get your get a big chance to talk to Carter," Maxwell said to me.
"Your Majesties," Maxwell started and he bowed reverently, "It is I Lord Maxwell, on the behalf of my brother, Duke Bertrand. May I present to you, the suitor of the crown prince representing the House Beaumont, Lady Victoria Jackson of New York.

I show up myself beside Maxwell and I bowed reverently.

"I guess this is it... I'm going to talk to him. Why am feeling that I'll feel like I'm gonna explode?"
"Relax, as you said, this ain't your first time," Maxwell said trying to convince me.
"I know!" I said mimicking Monica from FRIENDS show, "I feel the butterflies inside of my stomach."

We stop in front of King Constantine and trying not to make eye contact as possible. This is the second time my power of hard-hitting face won't work. He seated on a raised dais that the Kings and Queens are always pictured at.

"Your Royal Majesty, may I present Lady Victoria Jackson?" Maxwell said.
"Of Course," The King said.

I step an inch equal to Maxwell and I drop into a low curtsy. Huh! Olivia thought she could fool me! When I started to get up. I look into his eyes, letting him know I am here for the love of Carter, and I give a damn business.

"Your Majesty," I greeted him solemnly bowing to him the one they taught me back years ago.

"It's a pleasure to meet the suitor Lord Maxwell's house has chosen. I hope you enjoy your time in Cordonia," The king said welcoming me into his palace and his country.
"Thank you for your kind welcome, your majesty," I told him.

I imagine Olivia is fuming in her ass because I didn't fall into her game, and she will be angrier when she sees Carter of how he is happy to see me. Then Maxwell escorts me away and I fall in line behind some ladies waiting to see the Prince.

"Lord Maxwell, huh?" I ask mocking him.
"That's my title. You could refer me to as 'HIS LORDSHIP' from now on if you really want," Maxwell teased me.
"Yeah! Bite me," I said shrugging my shoulder in that idea, "You are more of Maxwell Lord to me..." he looks to me not understanding what I said.
"Anyways," he said, "Look sharp," he said.

The line has shortened by the second, Maxwell encourages me and pushes me to move forward while he goes backward letting me go on my own. I am nervous but I am also ready to see him again. My heart is getting faster now. It excites me that maybe this life is what I am finding for, not the crown or the money, but a life with someone you know co-existing with you. I look to Maxwell.

"Are you sure he had no clue at all?" I ask Maxwell.
"Yes! And I survived for not telling Carter about this!" Maxwell exclaims.
"Here's your big moment! Don't blow it," Maxwell mouthed at me while raising his two pumping hands in the air.

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