Darn gas

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POV: Johnny
This morning me and Asher started driving to our concert but because Asher was giving me head I didn't notice that we were running out of gas and when I did realize it was to late, and ironically we ran out of gas 10 miles from Noah's house even though I really didn't wanna go back to that place I knew I hid my keys to his car inside of the biggest rock and Noah always had a spare gallon of gas in his car so we went there and of course he still had the same apartment and same car same everything it brings back memories and brings back how alone I feel and now I'm in a happy and healthy relationship and not alone anymore,  we got in the car but couldn't find the gas and Asher got so frustrated that he slammed his hands down and then IT happened. ( BEEP,BEEP,BEEP )

To be continued.......

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