Chapter 5: Change of plans

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"It's not an everyday thing that I allow strangers in my house" he smiled and offered me a glass of tea. I don't even like tea? I kindly took the offer. I took a sip slowly.

"Well it's not an everyday thing that I walk into strangers house" I chuckled. This house huge. It almost looked like a mansion from the inside. I'm kind of jealous that my new place isn't this big. There was picture frames on every wall. The house was so clean and neat, you would almost think the president lived here.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I checked the caller ID. Unkown number, time to start this business. The boy glanced at me possibly wondering why my attention was on my phone. "Excuse I have to take this." He nodded. I made my way to a room next to the living room. After the third ring I picked it up.


"What's the progress"

"I just moved in and who's this"

"The president of the United states"

I knew that sarcasm comments from anywhere. Mikey.

"Mikey don't fuck with me"

"Don't ask stupid questions then"

"Hey watch your tone, I'm still the boss"

"I'll keep that in mind, but what information did you get so far"

"Mikey I literally just moved in"

"So you're at the house?"

"No, I'm at the target house"

"What! What are you doing on the phone then, you'll be heard"

"I'm not stupid, I won't blow my cover"

"Be careful kid, I called to tell you there's gonna be slight changes"

"Changes!" I yelled then paused for a moment to cover my mouth.

"Ranaldo is getting out in a month"

"What happened to him getting out in two months"

"Apparently his lawyer convinced the judge to bump it down to only a month"

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

"Okay so what's the new plan"

"You have to pretend to date this boy to get closer to him"

"What is getting close to him gonna do?"

"More information, since nobody knows your cover, nobody will suspect a thing"

"What if this boy suspects something"

"Kill him simple as that, you're gonna do it at the end anyways"

"Woah I didn't agree to kill nobody"

"Relax it's only incase Ranaldo does something extreme, like come after your family or something"

"I'm not wasting my time to pretend to like this boy"

"Do you wanna keep your family safe"

"Of course"

"Then go with the plan"

I should've never agreed to do this. I sighed.


"Okay I'll call you back after 4 hours, stay safe"


The door slowly opened and I quickly put away my phone.

"I thought you got lost" he said with a chuckle.

"Uh yeah I kind of did and I ended up in this room" I said with a fake smile. I half lied though. I actually didn't know where I was. It seemed to appear it was somebody's room. It had a large king sized bed and a flat screen tv on the wall. And some type of fancy ass closet with a remote to go with it.

We actually sat down and got to know each other. Turns out his name is Dylan. He lives with his mom and step sister. Judging by the house and his appearance, this boy was mad rich. He didn't mention anything about Ranaldo. Could it be because he barely sees him or he knows nothing about him? This really got me thinking. The worst part about this boy was that he talked way too much. It's been like 15 minutes and he still rambling on and he didn't even give me a chance to talk once. In addition to that, his voice was so annoying. He talked like those Californian surfer boys. Which I didn't understand why he talked like that since we live in New Jersey. He supposed to have that New Jersey accent. And he was a flirt too. I couldn't do nothing but sit there and pretend like I was interested and fully focused.

After hours of rambling, he finally managed to shut up. That's when I had the chance to get the fuck out of here before he opened his mouth again. I pretended to look at my phone and quickly jumped out of my seat. "Oh shoot I need to go." He stood from his seat and placed his hands in his pockets.

"It was actually nice meeting you, what was your name again?" Is he fucking serious, you spent all this time talking to me and you didn't manage to remember my name.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the door. Before I could open it he stood in front of me blocking my way and leaned against the door. He had a devilish smirk on his face. 

"you know I was kidding right" he said in a deep voice.

"I bet you were" I returned the smile back.

He pulled out his phone and typed something in it real quick and handed it to me. I glanced down at it, the screen showed his contact lists. I laughed at his cheesy move. I handed the phone back to him.

"Nice move pretty boy"

"I was hoping it'll work, it works on most girls" he said stepping close to me, I took a step back.

"Well I dont know what type of clueless girls you hand with" I lightly shoved his chest, he took a step back.

"I can't let a beautiful girl like you leave without giving me that number"

"I think you gotta try harder than that."

Before I knew it he leaned his head towards me. His face was inches away from mine. I felt his breath every time he breathed which caused me to shiver inside. He pushed my hair to the side and whispered, "I like girls who play hard to get, I find it so sexy."

We were interrupted by a knock on the door. He opened it and there stood a person I was very familiar with.

I almost choked when I saw his light brown hair and caramel brown eyes. I was face to face with my brother, Michael.

Dylan proudly greeted him with a handshake. "Hey bro what brings you here."

"I needed to cool off" Michael said.

Then he turned his gaze to me. He raised an eyebrow. He looked confused. Maybe he didn't recognize me, im hoping to God he doesn't. I gulped and looked down.

"You always bringing different types of girls here" he said with a chuckle.

"Aye man that's not a thing you say in front of one of them" Dylan said.

I rolled my eyes. Boys are so stupid.

"I need to go" I said and opened the door.

"I hope I see you around here often" Dylan said.

"We'll see" I gave him a wink.

"Me too, you're not half bad, you're actually fine as fu-" Dylan gave him a look. Michael just chuckled and roamed inside the house.

Did my brother just flirt with me? I felt like throwing up. The thought of him flirting with me gonna be stuck in my head forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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