Chapter 2: The project

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I rubbed my temple, "what do you mean you don't have the money for me." They nervously looked at each other.

"We have the money but we only have a quarter of it," Tommy nervously said. I was fighting the urge to not pull out my gun and shoot him. These boys had one job, to get me my money and finish off the job that I was supposed to finish. Now they wanna tell me they didn't get the money I desperately needed to pay off a boss from another Mob. My life depends on the money. If I don't get that money, that man who shall not be named gonna come after our ass.

"you all have these stupid ass briefcases in front of y'all, you can't even pull out some stacks of it?" I yelled.

"we don't have more money boss I swear to god," Tim spoke this time.

"don't swear to god, don't bring god into this shit, you're the one that fucked up. You know why I need that money Tim?" He looked at me with his lips sealed.

"cause I don't wanna die Tim. I could've gotten the money myself but I was locked up for some shit I wasn't involved in. My fucking father dragged me into one of his plans, I'm over here thinking y'all dumbasses got the $500,000 up front and ready. Now I'm hearing you all don't got the money, are you fucking kidding me," my voice echoed the silent room. I bang my fist on the table causing them to jump.

"we have $300K we just need $200K more boss and it's not a problem we just need time," Mikey nervously spoke.

"no, you guys need $200K more not me, my name wasn't mentioned to that man. My father clearly said to him and I quote my boys gonna have the money up front before you even know it. I didn't make a deal with my father, you're the ones responsible, so when that man calls I'm gonna tell them you guys are responsible for his money not me, so y'all do what you do I suggest you get that money to him if you guys wanna live," I threatened.

"you work for your father too, it's not fair that you can bail out of this and leave us on the line," Tim shot up. I laughed and shook my head.

"Tim life isn't fair so get the fuck over it, and I don't work for my father, you guys do, he just relies on me to make sure the job is done, know your place," I smirk at him. I know it was cruel for him but sometimes you gotta turn your back on people to survive yourself. Don't get me wrong I loved these men to death, I knew them since I was a little kid, they were basically a second family to me but I'm sure they understand that it's part of business.

"so was this meeting only to tell me this huge disappointment," I say calming myself.

"no we actually have a project that we need to get started on," Mikey spoke opening his briefcase, the rest of them did the same thing. They all pulled out piles of paper in front of them.

"this project involves you and the rest of us," Bryan finally spoke. Me? Isn't this a surprise (sarcasm).

"why am I involved in this," I looked confused.

"because plan was targeted to put us out of business and your father is targeted to be killed and these people will do anything to get their hands on this project your father is planning,"

"wait hold the fuck up, what plan? what people? and what the fuck is this project thing you all are talking about," I'm trying to process everything that he just said and nothing makes sense.

They all look at each other before saying a word, then Mikey clears his throat. "Ranaldo is back." My heart drops once I hear that name. I thought this whole Ranaldo situation was over a long time ago.

"you mean the man that almost killed me?" I say feeling my hands shake.

"the one and only, he's back on coming after your father, your father was planning on hiring more men from the best Mobs to make this Mob even bigger and powerful,"

Midnight.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin