Chapter 3: New Change

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I couldn't sleep these past few nights. All I could think about is Ranaldo coming after me and my family. I hate when he's always around, I feel like he's gonna attack me unexpectedly. I honestly thought I wouldn't hear from him forever. Ever since what happened four years ago, I've been praying to god he wouldn't show his face again.

The makeup stylist that Mikey hired showed up at my house. Pozér was his name. He was dressed in a neon green skinny jeans and a white tshirt that had his initials on it. His personality was as colorful as his style. I was assuming he was gay because the posture he walked with was much more feminine than muscular. He was rambling on about how much of a pretty face I had. I was kind of annoyed by how talkative he was. I wasn't the socializing type. I wasn't gonna push it though, I mean he is the one who's making me look like a whole new person.

"we should start on how your face is structured, make your face seem like a whole new shape," he said touching every inch of my face.

"do what you gotta do," I wanted to slap his hand off of my face so bad.

He grabbed a makeup brush and applied some foundation carefully. Then he grabbed this container that was filled with some type of brown liquid. I hate having to use makeup on my face. I was not a fan of makeup at all. I honestly thought it was useless. Why apply fifty pounds of shit on your face that could possibly ruin it? Makeup makes people look fake as fuck. I don't understand why most of these girls walk around with some on thinking they look so pretty and whatnot when in reality they look like they stepped right out of a Barbie box.

It seemed like I was sitting here for about an hour. How many supply of makeup could he need to put on my face.

"we're done with your face structure," he said looking too proud of his work. He handed me a mirror. When I looked in it, I couldn't recognize my face at all. It's like my face was replaced by someone else's. My jawline was defined so much, it looked so sharp and so perfect. The lining of my whole face was much of a thin oval shaped. My chin seemed a little longer. My cheekbones was a perfect size. How on earth did he even?

"what the-" I carefully touched my face with my eyes wide open.

He waved me off, "I know it's not my best work but honey I tried."

"not your best work? I look fucking hot. I look like those celebs on t.v" I look at my reflection one more time.

"when Pozér says he got you, sweetie he keeps his promises." Why is he referring to himself as third person point of view.

"thank you so much, when Mikey said you were the best, he was not playing," I give him a smile. He nods.

"we're not done though, all I need to do is plump your lips a little and make your eyes seem a little bigger," he took a second to observe me.

An hour past, my butt feels so numb. I've been sitting on this uncomfortable hard ass stool for god knows how long. My body was completely stiff. Pozér said if I moved a single muscle everything will turn out wrong. I wish he could just hurry up, I really need to pee.

He grabs a needle. My eyes widen at the needle.

"woah the fuck is that?" This caused me to finally move my body.

"relax, this is for your lips, to make it bigger I need to inject this,"

"how does that make it bigger, I'm not trying to fuck up my lips,"

He laughed. I don't understand what was funny, I was deadass serious. "It's not gonna hurt you, there's a special type of nontoxic liquid in there, once it's injected to your lips. It takes about ten minutes to get bigger. It lasts up to two weeks then you have to inject it again."

Midnight.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora