Chapter 4: Brittany Rider

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Now how am I supposed to be living a whole new life as some girl named Brittany Rider. I looked in the mirror still shocked at my new transformed face. I did somehow look like a Brittany. Except for my long black messy hair that still had the feature of Kylie Johnson. What was I gonna do with this long black hair. I could dye it or cut it. People will recognize me if I kept it the same color though. There was no fucking way I was gonna cut it though. I grew this shit out for years. It will take at least a year to grow it back.

I searched in the bathroom cabinet for any type of hair supply. There was nothing but brushes, shaving cream and razors. God you gotta be kidding me. Wait I did pack all my hair supply from home. I sprinted to the living room and grabbed my suitcase with my hair supplies and toothbrush. I was just in luck. There were two dye bottles. It was a red dye and a honey blonde dye. I always wanted to go blonde so why not blonde. I feel like red will over due it too much.

After 30 minutes later I dried my wet new colored hair with a towel. The color didn't turn out what I expect it too. Instead of turning out as a perfect honey blonde, it looked like a very bright blonde. Fuck I knew I should've washed it early. I examined my new fucked up blonde hair carefully. I looked more of a typical white American girl instead of an Italian chick.

"ugh I look so weird," I mumbled to myself. I just gotta get use to it. Besides, I am Brittany Rider now.

Its been three hours past, only an hour left till I recieve a call from the unknown number. I already recieved about a million texts from Michael, mainly asking me where I was or to call him. All I could do was ignore it. I hate having to ignore him like this, I had this type of guilt feeling inside my stomach ever since I left. But it was for his own sake. If I want to protect him and mom then I had to keep my mouth shut.

I knew I had to start the project fast if I wanted to get some iformation about Ranaldo. But I couldn't just walk over to those family when they have no clue who I was. I need to come up with something before one of the boys call to check up on me and see the progress I made (which is none). My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. Michael. I didn't know if I should answer or not. He's probably mad. I mean I didn't answer any of his texts at all. Was I allowed to answer? Mikey did say that I could answer calls that I recieve from a family or a friend. I sighed and swiped to answer. There was silence for a few seconds.



"why do you sound so unsure"

"so you're just gonna leave us like dad?"

"Michael don't-"

"why are you doing this, is this your way of changing yourself or something or did dad tell you to do this"

Laughter came from him afterward. How the fuck am I supppose to explain this to him without telling him.

"Michael please can we talk about this some other time"

"Why kylie?"

I could feel the tears in my eyes. Fuck I hate crying and I hate having to lie to the only person I actually loved deeply.

"Michael I wanna live my own life now and I don't want anyone in it and that includes you, I'm trying to figure myself out please don't get involved"

There was complete silence. I looked at my phone just to make sure he didn't hang up, which he didn't.

"Okay fine if that's how you feel, you go and live your damn fucking life Kylie and while you're living that life think about the people you love and how you left them"


"And don't even bother to show your face around here either or call us or even check up on us!"

I was surprised by his tone. I never heard him speak with such anger. He's usually calm when he yells because he wasn't the type of person to raise his voice.

"you don't mean that"

"I mean every word, you can be just like dad if you want. I knew you were gonna turn out like him sooner or later"

Hold the entire fuck up? Did he really just say that? Did he really just compare me to the most ignorant, selfish, and cocky man? This caused anger to rise up my body.

"Don't you ever in your life compare me to that man ever, I can do what ever the fuck I want. You're not the boss of me, I left for a reason and that reason is for me to know. I'm not leaving you and mom cause I was tired of y'all. Now leave me the fuck alone and don't ever call me."

I hung up before he could say any other word. I hate doing this but I have to do anything to protect him and mom. I gotta keep reminding myself this. That's the only reason why I'm doing this stupid project.

I took a deep breath. What am I gonna say, they don't even know who I am? I knocked on the door. I quickly ran some excuses I could use if they asked what I want. Wait! I could use that old do you have some sugar question. Nah that's stupid. Who even asks that anymore?

A tall boy with dark brown hair that was combed and slicked back with gel stood right in front of me. He looked almost my age but seemed a bit younger. His light brown eyes immediately caught my attention. He cleared his throat and gave me a smile. I shook my head snapping me out of that mini gaze.

"Can I help you" he said with his deep voice.

"Uh yeah, I need some sugar" I stopped and realized how stupid I sounded. He chuckled.

"Excuse me?" He said raising an eyebrow at me.

Fuck I knew that question was stupid.

"Nevermind" I shook my head.

We stood there just looking at each other. I have to say this boy wasn't that ugly at all. In fact, he was so fucking hot. Not just hot, the model looking hot. He looked like one of those men you'd see in movies with the sharp jawline and perfect ass face. I would never thought I would come face to face with a boy like that.

"What you need sugar for" he said.

"I don't know, honestly I came to introduce myself but I didn't know how sorry" I said with a fake laugh to go with it.

"People get shy sometimes" he smirked at me. Lord his smile was even sexy.

"I'm actually your new neighbor, I just moved in" I smiled as wide as I could. My face hurts.

He looked a bit confused. What did I do? He took a second to think.

"I thought the Garcias were living there" he gave me the same confused look. The Garcias must of been the family that last lived in the house. I gave him a confused look back. I obviously knew what happened to the family but I had to go along with the plan.

"Uh I guess they moved, I-I saw this house for sale online and I moved in like yesterday but I officially moved in today" I felt my palms all sweaty.

"How come I didn't see any moving trucks"

What is this guy and his damn 21 questions.

"I like to move in on the lowkey" I gulped nervously and waited for him to believe my lie. He squinted his eyes at me.

"Same here," he said. I sighed with relief. I almost thought he was gonna ask more questions. "Come in." He made way for me to step in the large house. I stepped in and admired every inch of the large house. He closed the door behind us.

"I didn't catch your name" he said stepping a little close to me. I took a step back and kept that big fake smile on my face.

"It's uh Kyl-" I stopped and realized I was almost gonna blow my cover. "It's Brittany Rider." That was so weird to say. The name didn't really much fit in my mouth. I guess I gotta get use to it.

Midnight.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें