♡ Slumber ♡

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"Tired... so tired..."

Ito Misumi, specialties diamonds and hearts, occupation before arrival Psychology student.

Misumi yawned softly while picking up the 6 of diamonds cards she had just won before strolling her way past the other participants who were trying to pull themselves together after the unholy mind fuck of a game they had just played. Misumi on the other hand was to busy on her way back to "The Beach" longing for a sweet and peaceful nap at this point.
"How bothersome" she pouted  getting into the car she had taken before driving off quickly, being sure to avoid all other players on the way. "Misumi do you copy?" Her radio tunes in as she rolled her eyes picking it up slowly, "yes, six of diamonds has been acquired." She radios back blowing her hair out of her face, before than throwing the radio aside into the passengers seat.

The drive was quick which was to be expected having basically most if not all of the population of Tokyo disappear. Misumi parked the car she was driving before getting out and throwing the keys to a near by guy waiting to obtain them, "don't die" she muttered to the man before strolling her way into the beach to hand in her card. The walk was draining due to the on going noise of other players, drinking and doing drugs all around her, such scenes made her sick to the stomach as she tossed her card to Mira who went to thank her but was cut off by Misumi walking away before she could even process any words.

Misumi hummed listening to the elevator music quietly as she approached her floor number at a very unwanted and slow pace. She may as well have taken the stairs she thought while the elevator dinged before opening. She took a long step out of the elevator before turing to head down the hall only to lock eyes with none other then the player Shuntarō Chishiya.

"You're back early I see" he gave her one of his usual sneering smiles while she only narrowed her eyes at him. She remaind silent as she walked past him only earning a small chuckle at her rudeness tawords him, "by the way... Niragi is having an episode again." He told her causing her to stop in her tracks, "...I'll deal with him later," she responed turning her head to look back at him.
"May not be a later for the newbies he is so egeraly trying to bully," he sighed softly looking at her out of the corner of his eye, "I'm not his babysitter." She muttered turning her full attention tawords the light haired male who only smirked in response to her statement, "his obsession with you says otherwise." Chishiya stared at you instantly, "would like to know why, only thing interesting in this place at the moment is the little spell you have on him." He continued while Misumi only tsk at him, "well if you figure out the reason for his obsession let me know then." She rubbed her temple before continuing, "where is he?"

"Second floor, just listen for the newbies cries for help" he said before waving and strolling off with out a care in the world. For a moment Misumi contemplate whether or not ton intervine, but she need why Niragi was doing it in the first place, she groaned loudly before heading back to the elevator to head down to the second floor which took less time then she thought.
She steppes out the elevator only to have someone run past her with a bloody nose, she watche the man trail off around the corner before turning the opposite direction to where the commotion was. She round the corner to see Niragi along with his goons tormenting the newbies relentlessly which wasn't much of a shock to her.

"Niragi!" Misumi yelled causing everyone to freeze in spot including Niragi. His attention was instantly shifted to Misumi as the playful smirk he had now disappeared, she stared him down while folding her arms, "drop him." She growled while Niragi dropped the guy he had by the collar causing the guy to hit the ground with a thump, "you're back early." Niragi smirked licking his bottom lip while his goons continued to harass and abuse the new players much to your annoyance whicb Niragi picked up on, "take the newbies outside, show them the pool or something."  He told them causing them all to flee the scene leaving Misumi and him alone in the hall, "are you going to act up everytime I go for a game?"
Misumi tilted her head while Niragi adjusted his rifle on his shoulder with a small chuckle, "anything to get your eyes all to myself, Minnie." He grinned shuffling tawords her slowly while she rolled her eyes at his comment, "stop acting like a fucking child." She hissed as he was now right infront of her, he frowned before pointing the head of the rifle under her chin gently.

"Someone's a bit bitchy today," he muttered lowly pushing her chin up with the gun happily. But as always when he attempted to threaten or scare her with a weapon, she didn't react, there was no point. If he wanted to pull the trigger she didn't care, being forced to play the games has made her more and more un fazed by losing her life, who ever was making them played the games obviously think nothing of their lives so why should they care for it themselves.
Niragi stared at her for a while before pulling the gun away with a small humphed, "when's the last time you slept?" He mumbled causing Misumi to yawn, "was ment to sleep 10 minutes ago but I had to come deal with your bullshit." She placed her hands on her hips while he looked her up and down slowly, "you could have just ignored me."
He smirked knowing that she wouldnt do that especially when he won't listen to anyone, "a let your need for attention lead to more destruction? I would rather not be yelled at by Hatter." She turned around and began strolling down hall away from him, of course he followed behind with a smal skip in his step, "so grumpy when you don't get you naps." He teased as they both entered the elevator together, she could only roll her eyes at him as you pressed her floor number.
"Play with me Minnie" he whine scooting closer to her earning a low tsk from her in response, "I don't want to play with your psychotic ass right now." She gave him a mocking smile as the door opened and she headed out with him following.

"If you don't give me attention~ I'll go blow a hole in someones head~" he sang to her while they both slowly approached her room, "you know I don't do shit until I get some fucking sleep." Misumi sang back while unlocking her door to her room, slamming it open annoyed, "let me just get a little taste." Niragi licked his lips while walking in behind her chuckling to himself while closing the door and dumping his gun on the floor, "not happening" she said bluntly before removing her clothes and puting on her one piece bathing suit quickly. All while trying to avoid the obnoxious stares Niragi was giving her, sitting on the bed. "Such a little tease" he mumbled biting his bottom lip while she rolled her eyes pulling her hair out of the two hair buns she had them in before sitting on the end of the bed away from him.

"Your hair is getting longer you know" Niragi pointed out while scooting over to her while she tiredly untangled her hair, "I'll cut it at some point." She told him while he laughed softly before reaching up and brushing her hair out of her face, "Your not getting any." She slapped his hand away causing him to glare at her, Misumi crawled up to the head of the bed slowly before laying her head on the pillow with a small oof. God she finally felt at peace being in a nice comfy bed, that was until she rolled over to see Niragi laying beside her, they both stared at each other for a moment before Misumi Layed onto her back opening her arms up. "Just don't talk or make any noise," she muttered causing Niragi to snuggle up to her quickly while she hugged him gently running her fingers through his lose hair, "so fucking annoying."

Game Of Hearts ♡ Chishiya x OC x Niragi ♡Where stories live. Discover now