♡ Torture ♡

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Niragi actully looked at Misumi surpised at what she was asking him before laughing it off quickly, "should I be taking advantage of you?" He smirked while she only sighed softly looked back at him, "never mind, forget I asked." She told him opening the bag of chips and eating them annoyed, Niragi watched her still trying to wrap his messed up head around what she was getting her panties in a twist about.
"Slow down, you will vomit again" he pointed out while she only ignored him, he groaned before sitting down beside her tiredly, "you're not ugly." He muttered stretching his neck, Misumi looked at him a bit taken back by him actually saying something like that to her. "As for not bending you over and making a mess of you, I'll only ever ask for your consent and no one else's," he continued while her mouth dropped open slightly before speaking up. "But why?" Misumi shoved another chip into her mouth waiting for his response, only to receive a cocky smirk and a quick shrug. She stared at him while he laid back onto the bed shutting his eyes slowly. "You're strange as fuck" Misumi told him while screwing up the empty bag of chips and throwing them on the floor, Niragi only chuckled in response while Misumi laid beside him quietly.


"Are you okay?" A short hair, young, highschool aged Misumi asked looking down at a half beaten and bruised highschool aged, innocent, Niragi after being harnessed by his fellow classmates. He looked up at her, squinting due to his glasses being knocked off after a ball hit him in the face. He remained silent looking away from her, trying to rub the blood off of his face. Misumi sighed softly before fixing her school skirt, kneeling down to him, she pulled out her light blue handkerchief reaching out to his face with it. Of course Niragi flinched as she began wipping the blood away gently, "good thing they didn't break your nose." She joked  while still wipping his face gently, he still remaind silent while she finished up cleaning the blood away gently reaching down to pick up his glasses. Misumi dusted them off before then placing them back on his face with small smile, "there, much better." She giggled softly while he stared at her shock at how she was treating him.


Niragi watch Misumi sleep soundly while  he recalled his first ever time meeting her, which was way before they had ever entered the game. But due to his style and personality change, she had no idea who he even was which wasn't  surprising.
He gently brushed her hair out of her face before running his fingers down and over her choker tenderly, he new what was under it from the very start when she had her first episode here in the Borderlands. She was being harnessed by a group of males and had the previous choker ripped off of her putting her into a state of shock, if Niragi didn't step in and blow all of their brains out she would have been raped and left for dead.

"Your staring is annoying" Misumi mumbled with her eyes still closed earning a small chuckle from him. "How would you even know?" He asked since she couldn't even see him doing it, "I'm a witch." She smiled with her eyes still closed, "more like bitch" he laughed deeply while she opened her eyes quickly before shoving him in the chest roughly. "Shut up psycho" she grumble causing him to laugh softly, Niragi grabbed hold of her hand roughtly starteling her, "only for you." He smirked before licking her index finger which only made Misumi turn red quickly pulling her hand away from him.
He continued to smirk before looking at the time on the wall, his smirk faded while he let out a small and low tsk. He slowly sat up from the bed with an aggravated look on his face before getting up, "Meeting with hater and Aguni?" Misumi spoke up while resting her head on her chin gently to look at him better. Niragi only gave a quick and short nod in response while Misumi gave him a small smile, Niragi of course left without a single word like he usually does leaving her all alone in her very empty room alone with her thoughts.


"What... the... fuck..." Misumi panted heavily, exiting her latest game, eight of hearts. She held her head quietly cursing to herself, she was the only survivor of the game, even then she only barely made it to the end alive.
She held the card tightly in her hand while stumbling tawords the car slowly, anyone would have been messed up after the shit show she just witnessed. She even came across two sibling in the game almost giving in amd letting them win instead, but of course they screwed up their chances of that within 10 minutes of the game.
Misumi leaned against the car for support as she began to feel light headed at the sudden memory of their screams ringing out in her ear endlessly, "idiots..." she muttered falling to her knees while trying to shake the images out of her mind.

"Rough game?" Misumi hears faintly causing her to look up and see Chishiya staring down at her blankly. All she could do was stare back silently while he looked down at the card in her hand giving a small oh sound, "hearts huh?" He smiled slightly. Chishiya hitch a ride with Misumi since his game he was given wasn't to far away, so them meeting like this was to be expected.

Misumi opened her mouth to speak on to close it again at a lose for words at this point, "you don't need to say anything, it's over for now, that's all that matters." Chishiya spoke up instead while kneeling down to her and taking the card gently, with his other hand he gently patted her on the head while she flinched under the sudden touch.

Game Of Hearts ♡ Chishiya x OC x Niragi ♡Where stories live. Discover now