◇ Mind Games ◇

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Chishiya help Misumi up off of the ground while she gathered herself back together slowly. "They are just pawns, remember that" he mumbled into her ear softly causing a shiver to run up her spin, she remained silent while quickly pulling herself away from him and unlocking the car. She climbed into the drivers seat while Chishiya sneered widely, slowly walking around the car to get into the passagers side.
When he entered the car he looked over to see Misumi resting her arms and head on the wheel quietly, "consider this a positive, we now have the eight of hearts."
"17 people died during that fucking round" she whispered harshly causing Chishiya to sigh, "was there any other options?" He asked not that interested while she answered quickly, "by the time I figure out the solution they all were at each others throats like animals." She had tried to reason with them but they were already convinced other wise, "then it's their own fault for their demise, you can't blame yourself for someone else's stupidity." Chishiya was right, but it was still hard to try and process it all, Misumi was good at diamonds and heart games but hearts still took a massive toll no matter what.

Chishiya watch Misumi quietly as she slowly lifted her head to look at him, "I wish I had very little feelings like you do Chishiya." She gave a small smile while he returned it with a grin, "I have feelings, just not for pointless things." He shrugged while she scoffed, "sure you do," she rolled her eyes starting the car. "I desire things, that's a feeling isn't?" He gave a small chuckle, "I guess, depends on what type of desire it is." Misumi shrugged starting to drive while silence filled the car, Chishiya looking over at her every now and then while she had her thoughts else where.


"They are being extra noisy" Misumi mumbled exiting the car while looking over to where the people where partying their lives away. "Near death makes people do strange things" Chishiya commented while closing the car door before making his way around to her, "stupid things you mean." She corrected while he gave a small nod, "people need something to live for, once they no longer have that, what are they too do but whatever comes to mind." He smiled slightly while Misumi leaned her back on the car, "and what is it you live for huh?" She scoffed at his oh wise statement while he simply responeded by now standing directly infront of her. "If I told you it would ruin my fun..." he spoke softly but was at least loud enough to hear over all of the  screams of pure madness and joy. Chishiya was able to lock eyes with her instantly as she opened her mouth to speak but no words managed to even fall out, this look, it was different from his usual mocking grins and smirks, it was a genuine smile. "Tell me, Misumi... what or who is it that you live for?" He asked, some how making the question sound like he was mocking her. She thought it over for a moment before shrugging, "myself I guess" she answered looking away. Chishiya gave a small laugh shuffling closer to her, "there must be more then just youself hmm?" He whispered  now inches from her ear, she was going to snap back with something smart and provoking but was at a lose, having Chishiya this close was out of the ordinary. He seemed generally intrigued but for what reason? For pure amusement? For blackmail? Or for something else entirely. But in all honesty, she didn't know herself, if ahe died she died, but what is it that keeps her at least somewhat going, she thought staring back at Chishiya with a somewhat blank express. He could only grin at how hard she was thinking, he let out a small sigh before leaning closer to her, his face inches away from his ear while she remained still and silent. "Don't worry, I'm sure you will figure it out" he said with  vexing tone, his hot hreath brushing against her now slight red ears.

Before she could snap back at him, a surprise gun shot went off into the air causing the both of them to look in the direction it had came from. Which only led their eyes to now be locked on a very unhappy looking Niragi, who was now pointing his riffle at Chishiya. Of course Chishiya stepped back from  Misumi knowing all too well that was what had gotten Niragi burning with pure rage.
"Little late to be having hissy fits?" Chishiya sneered earning a glare from Misumi, what was he doing? He was basically asking for Niragi to end him. "You are so fucking annoying," Niragi growled before looking to Misumi while she slowly walked infront of Chishiya, noe blocking the rifle.

"Niragi..." she mumbled softly staring him down while he continued to glare at Chishiya who was all too happily smirking at Niragi. "...Hatter will have your head if you killed one of the 9" Misumi pointed out trying to stop the situation from escalating any more then it already had. Niragi saw sense in what she said and lowered his gun slightly, much to his anger saying other wise, "I thought I told you to stay the fuck away for her." He growled at Chishiya which only earned him a small shrug in response, "you did, but I never agreeed to do so now did I?"
Chishiya chuckled softly only to have Misumi give him stink eye because of how he was basically asking to be killed. "Better listen to her, Niragi" Chishiya hummed putting his hands into the pockets of his jacket while Niragi clenched his jaw in frustration.
A few seconds past when Chishiya sighed softly, "as much as I would like to spend time with you and your guard dog, I have something else to attend to." He said while strolling past Misumi and a now very blood thirsty looking Niragi who watched Chishiya leave intently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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