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Misumi managed to get a couple of hours of sleep, inbetween trying to move away from the parasite by the name of Niragi clinging to her the whole time. "It's hot get off me" she grumbled with her eyes closed still only to feel something wet and slimy drag itself across her cheek causing her to instantly open her eyes to see it was just Niragi with his tongue out smirking.
"I'm going to choke you" she hissed wipping her cheek on the pillow angrily, "please do." He begged while she glared at him, "you know what, go blow someones brains out, your annoying me now" she muttered sitting up and rubbing her head. "Better yet just blow my brains out" she whispered burying her face in the palms of her hands while Niragi sat up along side her, "headaches again?" He asked curiously while she nodded slowly, Misumi would regularly get headaches probably due to the lack of sleep as well as proper food and stress that she kept hidden well.
Niragi got up without a word walking over to pick up his rifle all of a sudden while Misumi looked over at him slowly, "I was joking about going to blow someones brains out." Niragi turned to look at her before grinning, "I'm going to go beat some shit up for some fucking meds for your head. Not in the mood for blowing holes in someone... well... not yet that is" he told her before opening the door and slamming it closed.

"Such a pain" she mumbled standing up slowly only to stubble forward grabbing her head, "shit" she whimpered stumbling her way to the bathroom slowly. God this one was bad, she thought while turning on the shower and undressing, she stood under the warm water for felt like forever before she finally had some ease from the headache.
She steps out of the shower not bothering to dry off before putting her bathing suit on again, of all the three rules, the bathing suit one was the worst, she would have never been caught dead in such a thing. She spotted herself in the mirror noticing her thick black choker she always refused to take off touching it gently before frowning and turning away from her reflection. She began tying up her hair into her usally two bun hairstyle when there was a knock at her door, she new it wasn't Niragi since he would have just burst in with a two shits givin for sure. Misumi managed to finish her hair before making her way to the front door of the room slowly opening, maybe someone to kill her? She thought only to see it was Chishiya sneering as usual, "...no" she said bluntly while he let out a small chuckle.

"I hadn't even asked anything yet" Chishiya raised his brow at her hostility tawords him while she leand on the door frame, "if it Niragi I-."
"It's not about him" he sighed softly before pulling his hand out of his jacket pocket to show he was hiding what look like pills, she looked at them a bit sus about what they were. "They're just pain killers, heard that Niragi was running around looking for some, which I can only assume it was for you" Chishiya smirked while handing them to Misumi who took them slowly.

"Headaches again?" He asked while Misumi nodded taking two of the pills quickly, "when's the last time you ate?"
"Yesterday I think" she tried thinking back which only caused Chishiya to laugh softly, "come on, let's go get something to eat." He nudged his head before turning around slowly, Misumi had nothing better to do so she closed the door and locked it before following after him slowly, "shouldn't you be spending your time planing shit?"
She asked him as the made their way through the halls, he only gave her a small smirk in response continuing to remain quiet the whole time.


"Why does everything taste like shit" Misumi gagged eating canned corn and tuna doing her best to keep it down while both her and Chishiya sat at a table in the lounge of the beach. "It's amazing how you survive with such little food," Chishiya said sounding almost impressed with her as she took another mouthful of tuna, "I'm considering cannibalism at this point." She grinned while he let out a small chuckle, "as long as I stay off the menu."

"Need someone with way more meat on them" she joked looking around at everyone, "I see you managed to tame the animal before he got to out of control." Chishiya pointed out while she looked back at him. "He was having a power moment" she commented assuming he was talking about Niragi, "probably felt belittled somehow, need to let of steam."

"Or he wanted attention" Chishiya tilted his head with one of his mocking sneers on his face while Misumi took another mouth full of corn, screwing up her face in the process. "Whatever his deal is, he's done... for now that is" she told him while he only snickered, "give him time."

"Give who time?" Kuina appeared behind Chishiya causing Misumi to cough up corn earning a laugh from her, "Niragi and his obsession with Misumi." Chishiya told Kuina while she flicked her cigarette around with he tongue gently with a small smirk. "Misumi is just a hot babe what more reason does he need," Kuina gave her a wink while Misumi only poked her tongue out at her, "more like she is full of so much mystery." Chishiya smirked while Misumi ignored the two of them playing with her food tiredly, "how many days you have on your visa now?"
Kuina asked Misumi as she began counting on her fingers, she still had 3 days left on her last visa so that makes 9 now, "I have 9 days now, can't use my big brain if its throbbing 24/7 so I need to take time to rest." She told her while she looked concered, "the pain back again? Geez, who new stress could actually be a killer." Kuina looked to Chishiya who gave a slight nod, "the last game was diamonds so if it was spades she would have been screwed," he smiled while Misumi rubbed her neck gently. He was right she would have been fucked if she had spades game, she wasn't bad at them but her head is a big down fall when it's like it is now, not to mention thinking straight was a struggle as well. "The pills you took are probably wearing off now, hopefully your dog has found some more," Chishiya said lowly while Misumi put the empty corn can down with a soft clanking sound, "Aguni dragged hin off not to long ago so he will probably be a little preoccupied." Kuina informed them causing Misumi to tense up slightly, shit, now he's going to get all fired up. She thought looking around at the other members of the beach before standing up, "mm? What is it?"
Chishiya looked up at her while she gave a quick click of the tongue, "to vomit after that horrible meal." She smiled sarcastically before truning on her heels away from the two of them, obviously to the distressing look Chishiya was giving her.

Game Of Hearts ♡ Chishiya x OC x Niragi ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang