Tommorow without you

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i know that at this moment in my life you are probably one of the most special and dearest people to me... But I can't argue the possibility of me drifting away from you because i was once devoted to one and I've changed... But i knew this time it's different, i knew it's different. You've been the longest I've been supporting, it's been 4 years men... That's a lot of time. Those years are centered by you. If someday I'll drift apart i want you(myself to read this) bts is more than an idol to you... They are your artist, your singer,your entertainment,your amazement, your hobby,your lifestyle, your laughter,your butterflies in your stomach, your brother,your best friend, your admiration,your life mentor,your inspiration,your motivation,your pillow, your battery, your reset,your calm, your light, your listener, your love, your family, your reason. If the day comes where you want to move on and let go i won't stop you... If the moment came where you don't need them anymore I'll understand, they'll probably be happy for you,that in a way they helped you when you needed them the most. I won't stop you,but don't forget...the hardest and roughest part of your youth, they came to you, they guided you, cherished you, occupied you, cheered you, resonated with you, shared each other's pain and loved you. I don't want you to forget, that they are the most beautiful part of your youth. It's safe to safe your youth is theirs and you are happy because of them in this period of time. I wish you your happiness even if it's possibly won't requiring them with it. In the past 18 years of your life you received and gave many kinds of love. Theirs is the most complex one. It's not a romantic kind of love alone nor a amusement kind neither. It's romantic love yet full of admiration, it's comforting like a friend also like a family in a home. Your love for them is unexplainable in words and they are very special to you. You don't want them to get sick and want them to be happy as well. I just want to remind you, you are loved in this period of time even if it doesn't feel like it. Always remember, cherish and treasure this feeling it's once in a lifetime kind...

I want to feel it, until then when the time comes i won't anymore, until then, i want to cherish this feeling.

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