I'm scared

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I'm scared as i grew older the person i vowed myself to love the most is becoming a lie, as time passes by i started to feel like the person i treasure the most in this world is me, and i hate that feeling. I felt selfish ,self centered for feeling that way. Deep down I'm not a good person  and i can't seem to accept it , not today, not in this lifetime. I crave for attention , things that is bottled inside me I can't say to anyone, it felt like i was a bother. Not to family, if they are the reason nor with friends who are true but we don't talk about that kind of stuffs, anon in social media will probably backlash especially not everything you put out there is welcomed, as the generation evolves, anything is slowly becoming accepted. Yet I'm still here, with no one to say what i feel , ending up writing in this damn note pad at 12am while tears are bawling in my eye. I am not okay. Maybe tomorrow will be better than today but a day will come where like today can happen again. And in that moment i will be alone just like today. My reasons are not valid, i am a burden, i want to be heard but i am scared. I'll cry myself to sleep tonight , i am alone , and it's okay not to be okay.

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