Chapter 4

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Before beginning to read I would like to apologize to all those who have leaved comments and they where questions, the reason I couldn't answer was because Wattpad was all mest up and I could recieve the message but I couldn't answer it. I sent a message and their working on it(hopefully)



Here I stand in front of the gate where there are a bunch of reporters asking me questions.


RP: Can you tell us about All Might?!?!

RP: How does All Might do his teaching?!?!?!

"Tch get out of my way"

I walk past one of them but he must have decided to follow me in to get answers but when he tried to go through the gate it almost crushed the poor sap.

Time skip

After laughing at the stupid reporters for almost being killed I went into the class and sat in my usual seat next to Momo. Something was off about her but I could care less at this moment.

I just decided to ignore her and continue waiting for Aizawa to enter and teach us or something. After a while he climbed out of his little sleeping bag and began to speak.

Aizawa: Ok class I know this is a little late but-

Before he could finish the class went into a panic thinking that this was going to be a test or something.

Aizawa: Now like I was saying, today we will be picking a class representative.

After he said that the class went into chaos. Everyone wanted to be class representative except for me I could care less. That's when Iidia went on another one of his rants about what we should do. And of course Aizawa could care less.

Time skip

After the voting I now stand in front of the class with my eye twitching because apparently I got the most votes.


With that single word I try to go to my seat but I'm stopped by a certain speedster.

Iidia: I recommend you reconsider Uchiha, this is a big honor!

"Iidia I recommend you to take your hand of my shoulder if you do not wish to be burnt alive"

Iidia: Are you threatening me?! That's not hero behavior at all!!

"Your right it isn't."

He seems proud of himself after I said that.

"I am not in this to be heroic I only have one wish for this world"

This time before he could answer I turned towards him with my magenkyou sharingan and glare right into his soul. This seems to scare him enough that he let's go of my shoulder and has to be helped back to his seat.

Time skip

After an eventual homeroom and a pretty boring English class it was now lunch time and Deku asked me to explain what happened this morning 'Must have noticed the change in my eyes.' So now I sit here in front of a green haired idoit.

Deku: S-s-so te-tell me U-u-uchiha what happened to your e-eyes because i-it wasn't the same the last time you used it like that?

My eye twitches for a moment over his annoying stutter that just can't leave when I am around him

" It's called magenkyou sharingan it's a evolution to my sharingan"

Deku: T-that's c-c-cool!

Tsuyu: Why don't you use that instead of the other one if this is it's evolution?

" Because magenkyou sharingan has it's drawback"

Uraraka: What it's drawbacks?

"It causes blindness if over used and along with other stuff"

After that Deku started to write in his little book while muttering something that couldn't be understood. 'Greenhaired idoit'

Another round of questions that I answered some of them. The school alarm starts to go off. Everybody starts panicking and runs down the hallway in a rush.

I just decided to ignore them and continue to eat my food after a while everything seems to return to normal and we continue to have our lunch.

Time skip

Sitting in basic hero training now we are waiting for someone to enter probably going to be All Might.'Heh I bet he is embarrassed after the beat down he took yesterday'

A few minutes pass and Aizawa enters the class and starts to say stuff about yesterday scolding blondie and Deku and when he turned towards me I just glared at him and that seems to have made him shut up. He then went on to explain what we are going today. Apparently some sort of rescue training.

So after changing into my hero costume I made sure that my gunbai was strapped properly on my back and headed out to the bus.

When I got there Iidia was yelling at everyone to get on board but when we got on he was disappointed to see it wasn't the type of bus he was expecting.

We started moving I decided to tune everyone out that is until a conversation caught my interest.

Mina: But if where talking about strong quirks it has to be Bakugo, Todorki and Uchiha!

Tsuyu: That's true but Todorki doesn't have the social skills to be a top hero and Bakugou has a pretty bad personality.

Bakugo: I will kill you, you stupid frog!!!

Tsuyu: See and Uchiha can be pretty intimidating.

I just send her a glare with my sharingan active.

Tsuyu: See, what I am talking about?


And that's a wrap!! Hope you enjoyed and I would like to apologize for a short chapter. And the next one is already in progress and it is going to be extra long seeing as it is the season finale.
Thoughts, Good? Bad? Can be better? Put it down below in the comments!!

Boss6 checking out.


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