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I woke up after having special time with Dumbledore yesterday or Dumbledaddy if you prefer. I had a pounding head and a sore throat for obvious reasons. Today would be a long day. I had potions today and care of magical creatures. 

I was walking to potions when Draco came up to me. 

" Hey Draco what do you need?" I asked 

" Hey I was wondering if I could have my tampon back. Its ok if you don't have it on you right now but I will need it for tonight." He replied

" Of course Draco I can get it after potions. Also why do you need a tampon?" I said 

" Oh because my booty juices sometimes get too much for me. All men need tampons to suck up their booty juices." He said " Also I had a question?"

" Oh ok what's your question?" 

" I was wondering if you wanted to go out?" He spoke quietly.

I froze in fear of what to come. Draco was a seggsy beast but so was Hagrid and Dumbledaddy. I also kind of had a thing for Arthur Weasley too. 

"Oh Draco I'm not sure yet. Lots of people have been asking and I don't know why an-"

" Its ok don't worry about it the reason so many people are asking is because we all think your a seggsy beast." He cut me off

Maybe Draco was the one for me. We both thought each other were seggsy beasts. No, I still cant get Hagrid off my mind. And Dumbledaddy. And Arthur. Oh darn.

Draco and I carried on walking to potions until Dumbledaddy came up to me. He had a worried expression on his face.

"What's up Dumbl-"

" We nearly killed Hagrid!" He said cutting me off

My face fell as Dumbledaddy and I rushed to the hospital wing where Hagrid was. His feet well of the bed and his stomach seeping over the sides of the bed. He was so seggsy.

But that wasn't the point, I had nearly killed my sugar daddy. And he hadn't put me in his will yet. That was lucky.

Hagrid is a sugar daddyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя