cacky fingered old witch

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For the past couple of weeks everything was going smoothly. My bank account was rising rapidly from hagrid and dobby still didnt know.

Life was rad.

That was until i got a letter inviting me to Dobby and Hagrid's wedding. This put me in a bad mood for a couple of weeks knowing that hagrid didnt love me the way he loved dobby. But he still liked me a bit if he was sending me money for my feet.

This hit my heart like a small child being sick in your mouth.

But ultimatly it sounded like a great opportunity to skip charms.

I was only invited because Hagrid wanted me to come which I thought was odd but I was happy to attend.

I had already picked out a very hagrid styled dress with hippogriff shaped heels.

As I was trying it on a couple of days before the wedding, a bird swooped into my dorm and gave me a letter addressed to me. I opened it and to my suprise this is what I saw on the crusted parchment.

Dear y/n

I have to inform you that you have been uninvited to Dobby and Hagrid's wedding. This is because Dobby didnt know that Hagrid invited you and immediately uninvited you from past events of you getting inbetween their relationship.

Hope you are well,
Kindest regards finir greyback

Wowcher. Dobby is a bitch.

Hey besties go follow @Hagridisasugardaddy on TikTok for updates. Anyway hope u have a great day. And if it's night then go to sleep.

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