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I woke up to pounding on the door. I slowly rose from my bed, "Who is it?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes. They kept knocking. I finally just opened the door to see Pansy crying.

"Pansy? Wha-" She cut me off by pulling me into a bone-breaking hug. I lead her to her bed and sat down with her. She continued to cry onto my shoulder. I decided not to ask any questions and just let her rest.

Eventually we both fell asleep on her bed, me still holding her. 


"Pansy?" I yawned. I got up and saw her picking her clothes. She turned towards me, her eyes were blood shot and puffy. "Are you ok pans?" I rubbed my eyes. She shrugged her shoulders. 

"What happened? I woke up to you banging on the door." I said concerned. "Blaise." I looked at her confused. "He- he broke up with me." A tear fell down her cheek. I ran into for a hug, "I'm so sorry, why would he ever do that?" 

She gulped. "I don't know.." I looked at her, "He's not worth it." I smiled. Her lips curved a little. 

"Let's get this Friday done with, and we have a girls day." I offered. She nodded.

"Breakfast?" I ask her. She turns, "I don't know." 

"If you don't want to, I can bring you food." I smile. "Ok, that's fine." 

I made my way down to the great hall. I didn't want to face Blaise after what he did to my best friend. I was curious why he even did it though.

"Hello Alex, where's Pans?" Diana asked as I sat down. "She didn't want to come." I said. She looked at me, "Why?" She asked. "I'd rather her tell you." I sighed. 

"Hello gorgeous." Draco whispered in my ear. I chuckled slightly. "Hello Mr. Malfoy." I smiled. 

"Hello everyone." Blaise smiled and sat down. I looked at him with an angry look. "What the fuck." I sighed. They all looked at me confused. "You come strutting down here acting like nothing happened? Really Blaise?!" I huffed.

"What happened." Caspian asked concerned. "You break up with my best fucking friend and act like nothing is going on right now!" I shouted at him. "I what?" He looked puzzled. 

"I'm leaving." I got up and left. 

"Pans?" I walked into our dorm, there was no sign of her. I walked into the bathroom to see her smoking a cigarette. "Pansy? I thought you quit?" I looked at her. "I did." She sighed. 

I sighed. "Share?" I chuckled. "I don't have any." She handed me one and I lite it.

"Blaise came into the great hall like nothing happened, like he didn't even know it happened." I scoffed as took a hit of the cigarette. "Are you serious?" She rolled her eyes. 

"Wait.." I paused. "He might've been set up..that's why he doesn't know." I added. 

"As much as I want to believe that, who would even set him up?" She scoffed. She had a point, I mean he was fine not even 2 hours before that. 

"It's not like someone snuck in that late, so it might be someone in Slytherin." I said. "Right..but who would do such a thing." She said.

"I mean we have a few people who are jealous of us." I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, but I want to figure it out...I love him." She admitted. "I know." I smiled slightly. "And he loves you." I added.


"Alex, what was that whole thing about?" Draco asked. I turned towards him, "He broke up with Pansy, but he has no recollection of it..which is odd." I sighed. 

"Me and Pans thought someone put a spell on him or something." I shrugged my shoulders. "But who would do it?" He asked. "That's the thing, we are trying to figure it out." 

"Hello my favorite people." Diana jumped on my back. I jumped a little, "Hello." I gasped. "Scare the hell out of me one more time Diana, I swear I'll hex you." I joked. 

"I won't...you scare me sometimes." She chuckled. "I know." I smiled. 

I was still carrying her on my shoulders. "So where is your boyfriend?" I smirked. She hit me jokingly on the back of my head. "I don't know." She sighed. 

"I'm surprised you guys are snogging right now." Draco laughed. I looked at him, he was smiling. He looked very attractive with his almost signature side smirk. We made eye contact, it felt like it was in slo-motion. I felt myself blushing, he winked at me and looked away. Then I came back to reality, my heart was beating out of my chest. 

"I saw that." Diana laughed. "Whaaaat? You saw nothing." I said sarcastically, making Draco chuckle.


"Come on Pans, you need to leave our dorm." I sighed. She finally pulled herself out of her bed. She groaned, "Fine, but only for you." She half smiled.

We sat on the Slytherin common room couch with Diana also. "They've been giving us so much homework, it's quite annoying." Diana sighed. I nodded. 

I look over at Pansy and see her face is blank. "Blaise." Diana said sternly. "Look maybe I shou-"

"No Pans-" Before I could say anything else she was gone. 

"Blaise, can I speak to you." I said. He nodded.

"What happened?" 

"What do you mean? I only remember waking up in someone else's room." He said. "Who's?"

"Erm- I don't know...I think a girls." He said. "I know who." I said. "I'll be on my way now." I walked away.


"Open the door."I yelled slightly. "Yes?" She walked out. "Greengrass." I pushed the door open.

"What the hell?!" She yelled, "Get the fuck out." She snarled. "What did you do?" I asked.

"What?" She looked confused, "Oh." She chuckled. "I did nothing." She said.

"Mhm." I hummed. "No, you ruined Pansy and Blaises relationship." I snarled. She laughed.

"This is none of your concern." She smirked. "No no no...it is my concern, so let me guess...love potion?" I said. 

"It is NONE of your concern...bitch." She yelled. "What the fuck did you call me?" I laughed.

"I called you a bi-" Then she was knocked out. I looked over, "Pansy?"

She shook her hand and laughed, "I've been wanting to do that for a long time." She smirked. I chuckled. 

"Wha-" Blaise ran in. "What the hell?" He questioned. 

"Nothing." Pansy walked out. Blaise followed her with his eyes. "Is she still mad." He asked. 

I nodded and also walked out.

"Pansy!" I walked into the dorm. "That was so badass!" I smiled. She smiled and nodded, "She had it coming."

"So did you hear all of it?" I asked. "Mhm...I'm not going to get back with him though." She sighed. "What?" 

"I just need some time." She smiled. "Ok, understandable." 

"So...you and Draco." She smirked. 

"What? There is nothing going in." I laughed. "Mhm, not like you guys didn't leave the party together." She said making me fluster a little. "I knew it." She nudged her elbow into me.


Ew I'm so sorry this is such a filler chapter but I didn't want you guys to think I left forever !

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