-- Introduction --

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[This blurb was previously part of the competition]

--Define Love--

"Long time ago, ever since the birth of this world, there was an unknown being. It existed inside millions of souls, sleeping deep within their hearts. 'It' could only be awakened in the presence of another soul that matched them. But it was blind, it couldn't recognize another human's age, color, caste and size. It only 'feel' the soul within them. It's sole purpose was to find and connect with its partner's soul. Their powers would awaken, thus completing each other and seeking true happiness."

Humans define this 'unknown being' as Love.

Love can neither be created or destroyed. It can only be shared among two souls. That is why love is said to be eternal. Whether people are together or apart, whether it ends up good or bad, love has the power to move people's hearts. Despite the obstacles, love will go on strong.

Because Love is eternal.

And love is the very epitome of Immortality.


With reference to this name--

"A single moment shared between two people is a small part. When many moments shape together, they form love. Just like how petal is a small part of a beautiful creation known as a flower."


Hi all! This will be a book where I'll post short stories. Few of them will be individual short stories while other few will be bits and pieces from the stories I previously thought of. Stories I haven't written on Wattpad. And no, I won't be writing those stories anytime soon. I have a lot going on in my mind so I figured I should pen down some of it, to free some space from my biological memory XD.

These one shots will mostly end in one chapter but it can stretch upto two or three chapters in some cases.

Hope you enjoy reading them.

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Petals (Short Stories)Where stories live. Discover now