An Uncomfortable Position

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Sarah bit her lower lip as his narrowed eyes seemed to look right through her.  She flinched at the words.  Pride?  He thinks this is about pride?!  His expression reminded her of the one he would give Naruto just before he would get in trouble.  He was not kidding.  She wondered if he would forcefully grab her if she disobeyed the command.  She groaned and looked up to the sky then gave a heavy sigh.  "Fine, but don't act like I didn't warn you."  

She slowly walked up to him, trying to figure out what the best way to get on would be.  How did one piggyback again?  She couldn't remember as it had literally been more than thirty years since she had piggybacked anyone.  She had been a child.  Did she just lay on his back and wrap her arms around him?  Did she jump on?  Good Lord, she'd definitely crush him if she did that.  Not to mention she would have to also wrap her legs around him.  Her face flushed at the erotic thoughts that envoked.

"Are you getting on or not?" he asked with what sounded like humor.

"I haven't piggybacked anyone in forever, I'm trying to figure out how to do it."

He laughed at the words, and she finally decided it was going to be uncomfortable no matter how she went about it.  She leaned forward across his back and wrapped her arms around his neck then straddled him from behind.  She almost groaned as she caught the scent of what smelled like sandalwood and spice drifting towards her.  God, did he have to smell good too?

He started to stand and grabbed both of her legs to anchor them.  She almost yelped at the unexpected touch along with the way he was holding her legs.  He seemed completely unfazed by her weight as he immediately started moving at a faster pace than they had been taking.  She hesitantly rested her chin on his shoulder when his head almost clocked her a couple of times in his quickened pace.  She could see his eye shifting to her and it narrowed, as if in silent laughter.  Her face was on fire, this was the most uncomfortable experience of her life.

"Comfortable?" he asked with a trace of humor in his tone. 

She met his glance before looking forward, "Physically, yes. Thank you." 

"Physically, huh?" he chuckled.  "So how are you not comfortable?" 

"No one has carried me like this since I was a kid," she hedged, not about to tell him the real reason was that she was so turned on right now she was horrified by how much. 

His eyes narrowed slightly, a gleam entering them.  "If you prefer, I can carry you like a new bride.  It wouldn't be that difficult." 

Sarah's mouth dropped open and she felt her face turn into an inferno.  "No!  I'm quite fine just where I am!"

Kakashi laughed loudly at that, unable to contain his humor anymore.  "Too intimate for you?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Are you intentionally trying to embarrass me?"

"Oh no, why would I do that?" he asked in a tone that was suspiciously sarcastic.

Sarah pressed her forehead down on his shoulder and laughed.  Her body relaxed from the teasing, and she was able to fully rest against him at last.  It was quite comfortable on his back once she stopped trying to lean away from him.  "Okay, point taken.  Thank you, Kakashi, for making me accept your help."

"There is a time to be strong and a time to accept help," he reasoned with a smile.  "You've been through an extremely taxing experience on both your body and mind.  You need help, whether you want to accept it or not.  I am more than willing to do so."

Sarah rested her chin on his shoulder again and gave a heavy sigh.  "I'm not used to having help, to be honest.  I'm not entirely comfortable letting go. And... especially not from my favorite character."  She felt her cheeks warm a little at the admission that had slipped out. "I haven't been in a position where I could get help in a very long time."

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