All Things New

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Sarah was nervous as she turned the lock to her new place.  It was on the top floor of the building that Kakashi had led her to, but it was close to her new place of work.  The building was older, but not too old since the village had basically been rebuilt after the Pain attack.  Kakashi had seemed to be frowning a bit as they walked up to the building.  His eyes going over it rather critically by her estimation.  It was actually quite cute the way he studied her new home.  In truth, she was nervous because it had been a while now since she had to start completely over.  She wasn't so much worried as to what the place would be like, but rather everything that she would need to do to make it all her own.  He seemed to sense that on the way there.  He had insisted on stopping and picking up a few starters for her new place, which he was holding in his arms as she opened the door.  She now had a week's worth of food, three changes of clothes, and some cleaning supplies.  He had carried them for her and refused to allow her to carry more than the clothes on the way there.  He had also insisted on paying for everything.  He was some kind of man.  

She pushed the door open easily, noting that it did not stick at all, and stepped inside.  It was about the same size as her last apartment, which made her smile.  The less space the easier to keep clean.  Some would have preferred bigger, but Sarah didn't like to have to take too much time keeping up where she lived.  She would rather be doing something fun rather than cleaning.  It had been that reason she had picked her last rental.  She cast her eyes about the place quickly, feeling her lips getting tugged into a smile.  The kitchen was smaller than her last place, but she really did not need much with it just being herself.  The colors were neutral.  She was thankful to see that the place was spotless, almost as if someone had come before them and did a quick clean before their arrival. The only big difference was that the sleeping area was actually separated from the living area.  That was a little nice, even if it was just a thin screen door in the Japanese fashion.  She then noticed a sliding glass door off to the side of the sleeping area that appeared to have a small balcony that she could sit on in the evening.  She loved it!  It took almost all her restraint to not squeal like a teenager!

Kakashi set all the bags down on the counter in the kitchen and quietly watched her as she looked around with curiosity.  Adorable.  Her expressions as she explored was absolutely adorable.  He was becoming convinced that just about everything she did was adorable to him.  She turned towards him with a smile so big that it made his heart do a small leap.  She really was beautiful when she smiled.  He felt a new jolt to his libido and almost had to adjust himself.  This lust business was starting to get out of hand.

"This is perfect!" She breathed.  "I love this so much!"

He pulled his mask down before stalking around the apartment as well.  She quickly took to putting away the food and cleaning supplies as he wandered around.  It was a very basic apartment, and he was surprised by how excited she was with it.  It did not take much to excite her in her new world. It did not even have a proper bed but rather a floor mat.  He would be interested to see what kind of changes she would eventually do with the place once she became more accustomed to the village and life here.  He had not been pleased when he first looked at the place.  It wasn't one of the better kept apartments around the village.  Why he had expected more, considering it was refugee housing, was beyond him, yet he had wanted better for her.  Perhaps when she started getting her footing in the village, she could upgrade.  Something told him she wouldn't.  She'd stay there, even if she could afford better.

She came up behind him unexpectedly, and gave him a tight hug from behind, "Thank you for helping.  I will pay you back for all the food and stuff you bought me today once I start getting paid."

Kakashi turned around, putting some needed distance from her before leaning down to meet her eyes.  He was smiling even as he said, "If you do, I will swat your backside.  That was a gift."

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