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Getting my hair done at a Korean salon had been difficult but I managed to do so. Even with my lacking skill in the Korean language I was able to find the salon and get the hairstyle I wanted. The new light blue streaks in my hair were bright against my naturally black colored hair, and I had BamBam to thank for the color suggestion.

It was only yesterday when BamBam and I had that kind-of-date but for some reason I wanted to hang out with him again. Unfortunately though, I didn't have his number -- nor did I have my phone with me -- so it wasn't like I could just send him a text and be like, "Hey, wanna hang out?"

I wanted out of the apartment, which I thought wouldn't happen, and the only excuse I could think of was my hair. Mom didn't say much before I left the apartment, just muttering a "Be careful, Skye," before returning her attention to the television. She was still hurt by my comment last time and I was too afraid of her ignoring my apology to try saying "sorry" again.

I had arrived back at the apartment a little after lunch time -- I had ordered ramen to-go at this restaurant before heading back -- and there was a sticky note on the door.

I went out to the city. Will be back later. - mom

I took the note from the door and went inside. It was lonely as I ate my ramen, even as I played songs on my mp3. There was really nothing for me to do after I finished eating.

I just sat in the living room until I noticed the old desktop computer. I headed over to it and turned it on. Thankfully, Aunt Abbi hadn't brought her WiFi yet. She and Hyun-soo were still on their honeymoon, I think. She mentioned moving everything else she had left here to Hyun-soo's as soon as they came back to Korea, which would be any day after Mom and I have returned to LA.

I hadn't realized I'd been thinking about him until I saw that I had typed in Got7 in the search box. Well, I did promise to search his songs....

The first thing I did was go over to their Wikipedia page to check out their discography. I opened a new tab for YouTube and began searching for their songs, starting with their Got It? EP.

I had searched all of their songs, watching the lyric videos made by fans, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like any of them. I'de lying as well if I said I hadn't fangirled when I went to watch their music videos.

While I did decide to give Girls Girls Girls a try, I still wasn't completely hooked on the song. It was catchy -- I'd been humming along by the second chorus -- but still a little too conceited for my taste. I had to admit, though, BamBam was pretty cute in the music video. Like, cute as in I would have thought he wasn't seventeen but fifteen at the time they shot the music video. He looked like much younger it was funny. Of course, he looked older now. I mean, he definitely became hotter...

I definitely thought Mark was hot in the music video. You know, just wanted to add that in there. Because my attention wasn't on BamBam the whole time.

Really. I barely noticed him.

And I'm a really bad liar, especially when I'm lying to myself.

In the music video for their song A, I didn't recognize him until I saw his face a little more properly. The white hair was a cute color for him, but I prefer his hair now. His black hair is like, damn.

And yes, maybe I did fangirl over the boys. I couldn't deny their talent or their really good looks. I even had butterflies fluttering in my chest, especially during the parts when BamBam raps. I wouldn't tell him this, though. It's better if he doesn't find out I'm a fangirl for his group.

Not that I'm not a fangirl. I'll be honest, Alex Gaskarth is bae. Michael Clifford, too. It's hard not to fangirl when there are attractive band members.

But yes I do like bands because of the music they make. Hot band members were just a bonus.

Anyway, I had watched all of their music videos and even re-watched Stop Stop It. I hadn't exactly realized how hot Jackson was until then. I mean, he was hot when I met him in person but watching him rap and shizz was a kind of turn on. Same went for Mark. Especially Mark.

Or maybe it's because I barely paid attention to the music video when I first saw searched Got7.

It was after I watched their music videos and went to watch their dance practice videos when I realized how much fun they seemed to be having. It must have been nice, living their dreams. Of course they would be having the time of their lives. This was their dream, wasn't it? I could only imagine how they feel when they're performing live.

The teardrop rolled down my cheek as I saw BamBam and the others laughing as they danced. Suddenly it wasn't them I was seeing, but me. Or, at least, I saw what could have been, the dream I left behind. It was stupid to think about it now, but I guess I missed it, that feeling. Letting the beat dictate my steps and moving the rhythym of the song. Dancing.

There was a time before I learned to tune out the world with my headphones. It wasn't too long ago and I could still remember the feeling. Being in the dance studio, expressing myself through the music. I used to do that, let my emotions out with the music. I used to go to the nearest dance studio every day after school and have my parents pick me up before dinner. That was how it used to be.

I doubt mom remembered those times. It was before the fights and the divorce. Mom wanted more than nothing to forget those times. She said it hurt to remember more than the times they fought.

I shook my head, refusing to let the thoughts take over. This would have been a time when I'd put my headphones on and press Play. I didn't do that this time. Instead, I tried doing something else. For old times' sake.

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